Colombia is a nation in South America with a current population of over 51 million inhabitants. Industries include petroleum, manufacturing, textiles, construction, agriculture, banking, and services. Among the population, 73% of the population are Catholics, 9.1% profess non-Christian religions, 6.9% are Evangelicals, 6.5% have no religion, 2.9% are Protestants, and 0.9% declare themselves atheists. This situation represents a great challenge for the church of God here.
In the 1960’s, the third angel’s message arrived in Colombia while the nation was suffering moral devastation due to civil war. Amid the turmoil, we reached about 100 members by the year 1971 when the church was officially registered. In those days the workers were few, but they never lacked the courage and fervor to give everything for the cause they loved. We will always appreciate the support of the pastors and ministers who, leaving their countries and comfort, came with joy to support the work in Colombia—dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to spreading the message here.
By the grace of God, in 2006, the Colombian Union was organized, and today it has three Fields. Our Union headquarters is in the rural area of the municipality of Barbosa, Santander.
In order to serve our brothers and those who are increasingly interested in the truth, we see an urgent need to expand the facilities existing today. Currently, we have a farm where our offices, missionary school and multimedia department operate. Here we also host conferences, seminars, and spiritual retreats for our members and those newly interested in the message.
Part of the infrastructure has already been constructed on this property, and additional facilities are presently underway, but, we lack resources to finish them. That is why we appeal to the generosity of the worldwide family church. The support of your generous offerings will allow us to have more suitable facilities to serve the souls who are hungry for the knowledge of the Lord.
We greatly appreciate your donations. Only eternity will be able to show how much good your donations and offerings will have done.
Your brothers and sisters from the Colombian Union