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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Lessons From the Gospel According to John (Part One)

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Lesson 13 Sabbath, March 29, 2025

Jesus Feeds the Multitude

MEMORY VERSE: “But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat” (Matthew 14:16).

“Often we hesitate, unwilling to give all that we have, fearing to spend and to be spent for others. But Jesus has bidden us, ‘Give ye them to eat.’ His command is a promise; and behind it is the same power that fed the multitude beside the sea.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 369. [Author’s emphasis.]

Suggested Reading:   Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6, pp. 341-348

Sun, Mar 23


a. Besides the disciples, who else accompanied Jesus when He went over the sea of Galilee before the Passover? John 6:1, 2.

“Christ had retired to a secluded place with His disciples, but this rare season of peaceful quietude was soon broken. The disciples thought they had retired where they would not be disturbed; but as soon as the multitude missed the divine Teacher, they inquired, ‘Where is He?’ Some among them had noticed the direction in which Christ and His disciples had gone. Many went by land to meet them, while others followed in their boats across the water. The Passover was at hand, and, from far and near, bands of pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem gathered to see Jesus. Additions were made to their number, until there were assembled five thousand men besides women and children. Before Christ reached the shore, a multitude were waiting for Him. But He landed unobserved by them, and spent a little time apart with the disciples.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 364.

b. Describe the spiritual condition of the people assembling. Mark 6:34.

Mon, Mar 24


a. What did Jesus tenderly recognize that the people needed—and how did He use this opportunity to test the faith of His disciple, Philip? John 6:3–6.

“From the hillside [Jesus] looked upon the moving multitude, and His heart was stirred with sympathy. Interrupted as He was, and robbed of His rest, He was not impatient. He saw a greater necessity demanding His attention as He watched the people coming and still coming. He ‘was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd.’ Leaving His retreat, He found a convenient place where He could minister to them. They received no help from the priests and rulers; but the healing waters of life flowed from Christ as He taught the multitude the way of salvation. . . .

“The day seemed to them like heaven upon earth, and they were utterly unconscious of how long it had been since they had eaten anything.

“At length the day was far spent. The sun was sinking in the west, and yet the people lingered. Jesus had labored all day without food or rest. He was pale from weariness and hunger, and the disciples besought Him to cease from His toil. But He could not withdraw Himself from the multitude that pressed upon Him. . . .

“He who taught the people the way to secure peace and happiness was just as thoughtful of their temporal necessities as of their spiritual need. The people were weary and faint. There were mothers with babes in their arms, and little children clinging to their skirts. Many had been standing for hours. . . .

“Many had come from far, and had eaten nothing since morning. In the surrounding towns and villages they might be able to buy food. . . . But Jesus said, ‘Give ye them to eat,’ and then, turning to Philip, questioned, ‘Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?’ This He said to test the faith of the disciple.”—The Desire of Ages, pp. 364, 365.

b. What was the reaction of Philip? John 6:7.

“Philip looked over the sea of heads, and thought how impossible it would be to provide food to satisfy the wants of such a crowd. He answered that two hundred pennyworth of bread would not be nearly enough to divide among them, so that each might have a little.”—Ibid.

Tue, Mar 25


a. What information did Andrew give to Jesus—and what did the Lord then direct the disciples to do? John 6:8–10.

“Jesus inquired how much food could be found among the company. ‘There is a lad here,’ said Andrew, ‘which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes; but what are they among so many?’ Jesus directed that these be brought to Him. Then He bade the disciples seat the people on the grass in parties of fifty or a hundred, to preserve order, and that all might witness what He was about to do.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 365.

b. Explain the steps Christ took in multiplying the food—and what lessons we can learn from this. Matthew 14:19; Mark 6:37–41; John 6:11.

“Jesus did not seek to attract the people to Him by gratifying the desire for luxury. To that great throng, weary and hungry after the long, exciting day, the simple fare was an assurance both of His power and of His tender care for them in the common needs of life. The Saviour has not promised His followers the luxuries of the world; their lot may be shut in by poverty; but His word is pledged that their need shall be supplied, and He has promised that which is better than earthly good—the abiding comfort of His own presence.”—The Ministry of Healing, pp. 47, 48.

“In this miracle, Christ received from the Father; He imparted to the disciples, the disciples to the people, and the people to one another. So all who are united to Christ will receive from Him the bread of life, and impart it to others. His disciples are the appointed means of communication between Christ and the people.”—Ibid., p. 49.

c. Of what lesson on true ministry are we here reminded? Isaiah 61:6.

“The disciples brought to Jesus all they had; but He did not invite them to eat. He bade them serve the people. The food multiplied in His hands, and the hands of the disciples, reaching out to Christ, were never unfilled. The little store was sufficient for all. When the multitude had been fed, the disciples ate with Jesus of the precious, heaven-supplied food.”—Ibid.

Wed, Mar 26


a. What should we learn from the significant instruction Jesus gave after feeding the multitude? John 6:12, 13.

“When the baskets of fragments were collected, the people thought of their friends at home. They wanted them to share in the bread that Christ had blessed. The contents of the baskets were distributed among the eager throng, and were carried away into all the region round about.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 368.

“Jesus bade His disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.’ John 6:12. These words meant more than putting the food into baskets. The lesson was twofold. Nothing is to be wasted. We are to let slip no temporal advantage. We should neglect nothing that would serve to benefit a human being. Let everything be gathered up that will relieve the necessities of earth’s hungry ones. With the same carefulness are we to treasure the bread from heaven to satisfy the needs of the soul. By every word of God we are to live. Nothing that God has spoken is to be lost. Not one word that concerns our eternal salvation are we to neglect. Not one word is to fall useless to the ground.”—The Ministry of Healing, p. 48.

b. Even when it may appear inconvenient or impossible, what Christian quality are we bidden to cultivate? Isaiah 58:6–8; 1 Peter 4:9.

“In every emergency we are to seek help from Him who has infinite resources at His command. . . .

“As we see the necessities of the poor, the ignorant, the afflicted, how often our hearts sink. We question, ‘What avail our feeble strength and slender resources to supply this terrible necessity? Shall we not wait for someone of greater ability to direct the work, or for some organization to undertake it?’ Christ says, ‘Give ye them to eat.’ Use the means, the time, the ability, you have. Bring your barley loaves to Jesus.

“Though your resources may not be sufficient to feed thousands, they may suffice to feed one. In the hand of Christ they may feed many. Like the disciples, give what you have. Christ will multiply the gift. He will reward honest, simple reliance upon Him. That which seemed but a meager supply will prove to be a rich feast.”—Ibid., pp. 49, 50.[Author’s emphasis.]

Thu, Mar 27


a. What wonderful characteristic of God must we never forget? Psalm 37:25, 26; Philippians 4:19.

“It is the grace of God on the small portion that makes it all-sufficient. God’s hand can multiply it a hundredfold. From His resources He can spread a table in the wilderness. By the touch of His hand He can increase the scanty provision and make it sufficient for all. It was His power that increased the loaves and corn in the hands of the sons of the prophets. . . .

“When Jesus bade His disciples give the multitude to eat, they answered, ‘We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.’ Luke 9:13. What is that among so many?

“The lesson is for God’s children in every age. When the Lord gives a work to be done, let not men stop to inquire into the reasonableness of the command or the probable result of their efforts to obey. The supply in their hands may seem to fall short of the need to be filled; but in the hands of the Lord it will prove more than sufficient. . . .

“A fuller sense of God’s relationship to those whom He has purchased with the gift of His Son, a greater faith in the onward progress of His cause in the earth—this is the great need of the church today. Let none waste time in deploring the scantiness of their visible resources. The outward appearance may be unpromising, but energy and trust in God will develop resources. The gift brought to Him with thanksgiving and with prayer for His blessing, He will multiply as He multiplied the food given to the sons of the prophets and to the weary multitude.”—Prophets and Kings, pp. 241-243.

Fri, Mar 28


1. Describe the attitude of the people in listening to Christ’s words.

2. How did the Lord supply their physical necessities?

3. What do we learn from the way Christ kept the multitude in order?

4. What should I remember whenever prompted, “Give ye them to eat”?

5. Name times when God’s providence for you was especially remarkable.

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