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Today’s Manna

Daily Reading for Monday, February 24, 2025
Scripture: Proverbs 12:1
"Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish."

"The faithful servants of Christ are called upon to warn every man, teaching every man in all wisdom; and in those whom they are called upon to instruct, there should be a teachable spirit, a willingness to receive instruction. Young men and women are to take heed to their ways, and to correct every wrong habit, as it is made apparent to their understanding. The one who is cherishing the wrong may not see his defects, although they are plainly discerned by those with whom he associates. Because of relationship or connection with those who are in error, we are under obligation to set before them, not indifferently, but in a serious manner, the wrongs and defects that are marring their character and conduct, and exercising an evil influence upon those around them, detracting from the peace and happiness of the family, or from the happiness of those with whom they are associated. Can we look on indifferently, and know that the course that one of our relatives or friends is pursuing, is a course that will greatly hinder his usefulness, and, because we fear he will take offense at a word of reproof, warning, or instruction, keep our lips closed? Shall we not advise, counsel, and caution him concerning his danger? Shall we see persons pursuing a wrong course to their own detriment and to the injury of others, and yet have nothing to say? Do we love souls, and still let them pass on in evil, flattering themselves that they are all right, and never tell them that the work they are doing will not stand the test of the judgment?" 1


1. The Youth's Instructor, August 31, 1893.