Daily Reading for Sunday, September 21, 2025
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do."

1 The Review and Herald, September 10, 1895.
1 The Review and Herald, September 10, 1895.
"Those who speak of the goodness of God, who talk of the plan of salvation, who relate their personal experiences, who speak often one to another, are serving God in His own ordained way, and are honoring their Redeemer, and He says that such shall be honored, even as a father honors a son who is faithful and affectionate. Let every one consider the value of the social meetings, and let not large or small companies of believers think that they cannot have an enjoyable season unless they are entertained by a preacher. Where this dependence on the minister exists, the people fail to obtain that vigorous religious experience which they so much need wherever their lot may be cast. If the minister alone does all the witnessing, then those who have newly come to the faith become dwarfed and sickly for lack of opportunity to use their spiritual muscle. They have need to learn how to testify, how to pray, how to sing, to the glory of God: but failing to do this, they have only a one-sided experience. The children of God are to grow up to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. They are to be faithful in their service to God. They are to learn the trade of being spiritual worshipers of God, and it is only by practice that we learn to speak and pray to the edification of those who listen."1