The Cross of Calvary: The Centerpiece of Human History
Human Values vs Divine Values
We tend to glory in ourselves—only to ultimate disappointment. But when we glory in the wisdom, riches and power of God—and the uplifting of His Son on the cross, life has real meaning.
Calvary in the Contemporary Mind
Our Christian faith needs to make a greater impact on the world—and on ourselves. Distraction needs to be minimized, that we can focus more seriously on the implications of Calvary on our daily life.
A Definite Plan
The plan of redemption through the incarnation of Christ was not an afterthought—the details of the prophecies were foretold and the Crucified One was well familiar with what He would be facing.
“In the Fullness of Time”
God’s timing is perfect in every respect; the Saviour of the world was flawlessly punctual in His birth, His ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension.
What Happened on Calvary?
The cup of woe was poured out to crush the sin problem—and Gethsemane and Calvary testify to the tremendous magnitude of this plague.
With the sacrifice of Christ, the Creator’s name was vindicated and precious souls ransomed—yet how often we as frail humans miss some essential aspects of it.
The Empty Tomb
It’s a message of victory, a message of peace: Christ our Saviour rose from the dead that we, too, may experience newness of life.
The Cross in Eternity
Our Lord was crucified once and for all—and the magnitude of that sacrifice will echo and resound throughout endless ages, that the Lamb of God was wounded in the house of His friends.
Christ and Him Crucified
As the fate of humanity trembled in the balance, the Just allowed Himself to be slain for the unjust—and today those nail-pierced hands are still outstretched to each of us.
Children’s Corner
Jesus on the Cross
What a privilege it is for a child to learn early in life the unspeakable value of what Jesus has done in our behalf! A clean conscience washed by the blood of Christ is the greatest treasure a youthful soul can have.