Lessons from the Epistles of Peter (II)
- Foreword
- July: First Sabbath Offering for a Chapel, School, and Office in Liberia
- 1. The Miraculous Escape
- 2. Diligently Ascending the Ladder
- 3. In Honor Preferring Others
- 4. The Highest Aim
- August: First Sabbath Offering for the GC Education Department
- 5. Making Sure
- 6. Strengthened in the Present Truth
- 7. Prophecy for Our Benefit
- 8. Purity in a Corrupt Age
- 9. Cherishing Heavenly Light
- September: First Sabbath Offering for the Angolan Union Headquarters
- 10. Fortifying Our Mind
- 11. Extra Time for a Purpose
- 12. What Kind of People?
- 13. Persevering to the End