True Worship

Johnny had just received a nice, generous gift of $100.00 from his aunt. He knew he had to use that much money very wisely.
First, he needed to return the tithe to God. So, the first 10% of the money was placed in a tithe envelope and was labeled as tithe.
Then Johnny wanted to give a freewill offering. Because he was so thankful, he added a good amount, another $10.00 in the tithe envelope to be included as offering and wrote on the envelope where he wanted the money to go. Then he began to think about how he wanted the offering to be divided.
“Hmmm,” said Johnny. “I’d like to see the brethren be able to finish that new church building in their city a few hours from here. I’ll give to the building fund.”
“Next,” thought Johnny, “I need to remember the poor. There were some neighbors that visited our church the other day—and I think they might have had to ask the deacon for help since they barely seemed to have enough to eat and their little toddler did not have warm shoes. And even if they didn’t ask for help, maybe the church board will decide either to give something to them anyway or to other people like them. So the church had better have some money in the poor fund.”
“Then there’s the media fund. I’d like to see the brethren get some better equipment to be able to make some CD’s or videos to send the message to people who live too far away to be able to come to church.”
So Johnny labeled the envelope to give part of his offering to each of those funds.
That was done. Next Johnny thought, “I know I should save as much of my money as possible. But since there are also some things I need, too, I will ask Dad to take me to the store to buy them.”
There the father and son were at the store, looking at the various items. Johnny saw a handsome sweater he really liked and said, “Dad, I like this, but it’s not worth what they are asking.”
“Not worth it?” Dad asked. “You have a right to decide that, son. Something may look nice, but if it is not worth it, don’t get it.”
Many things in life are not worth our time, our money, or our thought. But there is one thing that is worthwhile. That is the worship of the One who made us and feeds us and keeps us alive. And that’s where the idea of “worship” comes from.
Johnny had received his money from his aunt—whom God had used to give him a blessing. So, Johnny in turn wanted to bless other worthwhile causes.
Most important for little boys and for all of us, however, is to be able to say to our Creator: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11).—BHM.