God’s Grace

The Australasian Union Conference [AUC] held a youth camp at Elim Heights in New South Wales, Australia, from December 22–30, 2017. The theme, was “Light the Way: Reformation in Music.”
There was a large turnout of musicians—some advanced in skill and others who were experiencing a music ensemble for the first time. It was amazing to see how the program came together so beautifully and artistically. Clearly, God was leading. All were involved either in the orchestra, choir, or children's program—and all learned more about how to present an acceptable musical offering to the King of kings.
Deep spiritual messages brought a great blessing to the camp as well. Bro. Liviu Tudoroiu, leader of the GC Missionary Department, brought inspiring insights about the gospel as found in the book of Jonah—presenting how an angry prophet was transformed in the hands of a merciful God. Jonah experienced a great trial that refined and equipped him to give the present truth in his day to a wicked city that repented at his preaching. In the end, our heavenly Father was revealed as a God of great mercy, not only to Jonah and to Nineveh, but to us as well. Bro. Liviu brought this out further in additional messages especially relevant to our life today.
In addition to conducting the orchestra, Sister Barbara Montrose, a member of the GC Music Department, presented classes on the history of western music, current trends, and the principles of sacred music, providing some distinctions between the genuinely edifying vs. false, detrimental styles of music. Emphasis was made on the fact that we are living in the antitypical day of atonement and seriously need to prepare to receive the seal of God in the frontal lobe of our brain. The music we listen to can make a difference either to help or hinder this process.
Brother Peter Lausevic, GC Vice President, followed up by opening the Sabbath with additional insights into the theme of music in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
The AUC Music and Youth Departments were blessed to have attentive support from their ministers and Bible workers who served as mentors for the young. An efficient media team filmed and recorded some of the items—and the crown jewel of the event was a sacred music concert held at a public venue in the town of Wentworthville on Sabbath afternoon. There the announcer made special emphasis on the significance of the Reformation Symphony that composer Felix Mendelssohn wrote in honor of the 300th anniversary of the great Protestant reformation in his day. How fitting it was to acknowledge likewise in our day the 500th anniversary of that monumental pillar in history.
It is our prayer that the Lord may continue to bless the united efforts of the AUC team—along with similar units around the world that are seeking to involve sacred music as a way to promote the present truth and spiritual edification among our people of all ages, especially the young.— BHM.