God’s Law: The Grand Charter of Freedom
Following texts, phone calls and emails from different brethren, in November 2017 our family was able to make contact with a small group of fellow believers in Cancun, Mexico. Finding the church was another challenge, but after receiving information about the general neighborhood and main crossroad, and stopping to ask multiple people walking along the dirt road, we turned onto a smaller bypass road and drove to the end, where we found a group of 10–15 believers sitting under the shade of a big tree next to our church.
Approximately ten years ago, a small plot of land had been purchased and a recycled galvanized tinroof was erected on a concrete slab. With the exception of 3–4 people, this church is made up of two mothers, with their mostly grown-up children and grandchildren. In 2011 (7 years ago) an appeal was made by a brother to some of our members in California, and a few hundred dollars were sent to the Cancun church. With those funds, the walls of the church were built, and that was the first time the Cancun brethren were able to meet in the chapel. They had dirt floors for several years until recently when they were able to add proper flooring.
The sisters have been working diligently on Sundays to remove the deep roots of a large tree where they are hoping to build a Sabbath school room. They had to stop working on this project because their tools broke. This year, they are hoping to install electricity for the small chapel so they will have lights, and complete a roof over a second room behind the chapel to provide for the children to have a Sabbath school class.
With their simple church, these believers faithfully meet each Sabbath and are a light to their community. Having no musical instruments, these sisters use their voices to sing out with their hearts each Sabbath. Their combined voices are stronger than any instrument—piano or organ! Praise God!!