Surviving in the COVID Era

When I was 12 years old, one summer afternoon my biology teacher proposed an experiment that would transform my goals and entire perception of the world for the rest of my life. For the first time, I was introduced to an instrument known as the microscope.
Our assignment was to add a pinch of wildflowers to a cup of water. After two days, we used a pipette to drop a sample of that water onto a glass slide.The result was fascinating! Before my very eyes, that tiny drop of water, through the lens of a microscope, became an amazing world with tiny beings exploding with life as I had never seen before, and of which I had known nothing. Some of the beings were called paramecia, others eukaryotes, still others amoebas. In that one little drop I found an existing universe of many living unicellular organisms, which spend all their existence in a single cell.
In the coming days, I also saw cells which did not exist solitarily but rather were organized in groups of cells, collaborated in an organized fashion to take on a special function, such as the development of a little blade of onion. Such specialized organisms are referred to as multicellular organisms. I discovered that multicellular organisms are found both in the plant species and animal species.
But my overwhelming surprise came when I learned that the unicellular organisms were created to decompose the multicellular organisms and that sometimes there is a war between them for resources.
The apostle Paul wrote through divine inspiration that the “base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are” (1 Corinthians 1:28). This actually anticipates what the renowned French scientist Louis Pasteur would later write in a letter dated March 22, 1863, in the time of the last French monarch, Napoleon III: “When God created the world He put in every organism, however small it be, germs which can decompose and [for these] decomposed elements to be reintegrated in the environment to be used,” continuing that “God did not grant this discovery as an illusion but as a reality and a vast field of knowledge with real applicability in all the areas of our lives.”1
It is very interesting to observe how the Pasteur germ theory transformed. Although Pasteur made the discovery that all infections are caused by an infectious agent which is contagious and easily transmissible, he also anticipated that some organisms were better hosts to the rapid multiplication of these infectious agents. Most of his observations were made from studying the process of fermentation. He noticed that certain fermented wines spoiled more rapidly than others, and linked the quality and health of the mother-vine to the ultimate quality of the grape and its potential to spoil or not. Likewise, he asserted that epidemic maladies affect those who are most vulnerable when in contact with the germ.2 Later, as he studied diseases in silkworms, Pasteur further noticed that heredity also was an influence to the strength or weakness of the silkworm. And finally, towards the end of his career, Pasteur also adopted the homeostasis (balance) theory of “the father of physiology,” Claude Bernard, arguing that the balance of the internal organism is able to withstand the attack and invasion of an infectious germ. Louis Pasteur recognized the truth behind the workings of Claude Bernard when on his deathbed he stated, “
We must have a clearer understanding regarding certain infectious agents which have the potential to trigger an epidemic anywhere and everywhere, but the disease may or may not develop, depending on the “field,” meaning the health of the body which is being attacked. This assertion of Claude Bernard and Pasteur set the platform for a new field of study which premiered in recent years. In our days, this field of science is called Epigenetics, the study of environmental factors which strengthen or weaken our DNA.
Although Pasteur discovered the principle of vaccination, the father of the vaccine was actually a simple, countryside doctor from England, Edward Jenner. Approximately 100 years prior to Pasteur, on May 14, 1796, Jenner began the first studies on immunization. He inoculated James Phipps, the eight-year-old son of his gardener, with cowpox-pus-matter which he collected from the infected cowpox blister of an English milkmaid, Sarah Nelmes. Phipps had a mild case of cowpox and soon recovered. Months later, Jenner exposed Phipps a number of times to the smallpox virus, but Phipps never developed smallpox.
Then Edward Jenner inoculated the boy for the second time, and still he developed no infection. Thus Edward Jenner deduced that a mild cowpox infection seemed to protect humans against the highly contagious and fatal human smallpox. The word vaccine, and vaccination, actually comes from the name for a pox virus—the cowpox virus, vaccinia.
Edward Jenner had a lifelong struggle with the thought of whether or not his research conclusions were sound, as he often observed patients who had received the “cow-pox” vaccine, later develop smallpox, although in a milder form. He also caused some confusion in the scientific world, triggering a mixup between two related viruses: (cowpox) with human smallpox). Although Jenner advanced the idea of immunization, he never expanded his studies with regard to the human immune system, as to why the human body developed resistance to human smallpox after its exposure to a weaker version of cattle smallpox. He simply believed that using the cattle virus for a “vaccine” could prevent smallpox in humans—which is impossible because these are two different viruses. For this reason, Jenner was never able to synthesize a completely effective vaccine for the erradication of small pox. The results of his haphazard experimentations were inevitable. These included the death of his own son, who was injected with a mixture of cowpox and small pox at 10 years of age, and then died at 21 years old with senile dementia, a 5-year-old boy who died by injection and a 8-month-pregnant woman who spontaneously aborted her baby that had specific pustules on his whole body—failures which he never acknowledged. This confusion was never even officially recognized, although more than 200 years have since passed.3
In expanding on his previous theories, Louis Pasteur used meticulous discernment to disprove the popular theory that microbes spontaneously appeared from non-living matter. His research in the 1880’s demonstrated that if wines are heated up to 131–140°F (55–60°C) and tightly sealed, they could be preserved for a very long time without alteration. He thus proved that it’s through contamination that microbes were introduced and that thermal treatments could inactivate these microbes.
This discovery set the foundation for Pasteur’s future studies with fowl cholera, a disease plaguing chickens. He used heat to warm the bacteria, to a certain temperature, and noticed that when the chickens received the weakened form of cholera, they did not die. He was not satisfied with that discovery, but later inoculated those same chickens with the aggressive form of fowl cholera and still the chickens did not die, yet they did manifest a less aggressive form of the disease. Pasteur certainly was not the first scientist to discover that a weakened form of the disease could provide immunity, but he was the first to take the process to the laboratory. Thus he set the foundation of the development of “live” vaccines, such as the pneumococcus vaccine which contains a weakened form of the bacteria, pneumococcus, for immunity against severe pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis in the young.
Rabies was another particular obstacle for Pasteur, because unlike cholera, which was caused by a bacteria, rabies was caused by a virus, an organism much smaller and not identifiable at that time. Pasteur obtained spinal matter from rabid dogs, and introduced it into the brain of rabbits through the process of trepanation, or creating a burr hole in the cranium of rabbits. He then found a way to obtain spinal matter from these infected rabbits and allowed them to “dry out” or dehydrate in natural air. These dehydrated spine-fragments he would later introduce into 50 healthy dog brains which never developed rabies. This discovery was just in time for his first human patient on July 6, 1885. A nine-year-old boy arrived with fourteen bites from a rabid dog. Pasteur inoculated the boy with material from a rabid rabbit spinal cord that had been dehydrated for 15 days. The child survived and was declared completely healed a few months later. In September 1885 the experiment was repeated on a shepherd, Jean-Baptiste Jupille, badly bitten by a mad dog, who was also healed a few months later. So, on October 26, 1885, Pasteur presented his meticulously detailed experiments to the academy of science in Paris, and declared that 726 persons bitten by mad dogs had been saved by injection. He therefore proposed to the institution not only to treat rabies, but to research and use the technique of pasteurization. The institute founded in 1887 was then named the Pasteur Institute of Paris.
The rules for inoculation were clear:
• At the appearance of a contagious disease, the infectious agent must be isolated.
• The virulence would decrease as temperature would increase, due to humidity or lack of nutrients.
• Inoculation was introduced to people during an epidemic, with the exception of small children and elderly, since they were considered highly vulnerable to develop the disease from the immunization.
• Fulfill the need for local epidemiological labs capable of producing vaccines locally, quickly and actively in the endemic area, discouraging the use of bacterial or viral strains obtained from other geographic zones.
We can conclude that vaccination was not done randomly. It was not applied to the whole population; it was not done with random microbes, but rather only to those involved in the epidemic, and it excluded the very young and elderly. Pasteur’s vaccine was not made from viruses with low virulance using heavy metals or from bio-engineered bacteria or viral RNA. He used the whole virus or bacteria, employing natural methods to attenuate them or decrease their virulence. It is interesting to note that although science is very particular, the principles stated by Pasteur and his meticulous labor were and still are recognized, and critics are not able to find any breach in his discovery. Moreover, medical science has credited him with discovering the process by which the immune system produce specific antigens of immunity in response to an infectious agent, which can help the immune system memory to attack the microbe if it were contacted a second time.
Unfortunately, in the years that followed, the later vaccines were not what Pasteur had discovered. This idea became part of a profit-oriented system of corporate greed. Vaccines that were produced in different centers were sold in other places around the world. These vaccines started to incorporate viral and bacterial fragments which were neutralized by using heavy metals, and they were injected to little children whose immune systems were not ready to form specific antibodies to the specific vaccine, and from here began to appear chronic allergies, auto-immune diseases, and chronic degenerative and inflammatory diseases.
Today, after years of intense studies of physiology, it is known that there are three lines of defense to the body that protects us from the pathogens which are around us and with which the body learns to live in a symbiosis. There are some microbes with which the bodies in different parts of the globe have never been exposed—and therefore for those persons traveling into those areas, vaccines are often necessary. This usually occurs for the benefit of adults. For example, the yellow fever vaccine protects travelers going to endemic regions. In a healthy adult, if this vaccine is taken once, it can offer protection that lasts 10 years—although this, too, involves some risks which are to be assumed.
The first natural barrier to protect our bodies against pathogenic agents is represented by tissue factors, such as: constant shedding of skin, skin acidity, mucous membranes, mucus production, digestive enzymes, and non-pathogenic microbial species, also known as normal flora, present from the oral mucosa to the colon.
The second barrier is represented by humoral factors (from blood: peroxidases—those that trigger fever by the action of thermal centers from the hypothalamus, raising the body temperature to the level where the invaders can’t survive), and interferon, the complement system.
The third line of defense is the cell-mediated immune system. This involves phagocytic cells: polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), and mononucleocytes (macrophages) which are part of the white cells (leukocytes and granulocytes).
Approximately 90% of the body’s infections can be recognized and combated by the immune system of the newborn baby.4 This means that these soldiers fight with the invaders, or at least recognize when a cell of the body becomes malignant or has been attacked by a virus, due to the fact that it does not respond to the special chemical salute.
The newborn’s immune system is not fully developed until month 2 or 3 of life. However, if a newborn’s immune system meets a certain microbe in the early stages of infancy, it will activate the necessary mechanisms to develop a strong defense mechanism through close collaboration with all the three lines of defense aforementioned. The unfortunate thing is that this close collaborative process is circumvented through the process of vaccination, since the first and second barriers are untrained.
There are cells of the immune system which are supposed to “take a picture” of the microbe-invader. These are cell-mediated defenders, known as polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages. These cells will pass the information to the T lymphocytes which use dendritic cells from the lymph nodes, to memorize the antigen. Then the T-helper cells give this photographic information to the B lymphocytes, which will produce specific antibodies against the infection and develops into humoral immunity. This process of developing humoral immunity takes three days. This is why we usually feel better after the third day of disease.
Other microbe invaders will produce different B lymphocytes and different antibodies. Some T and B lymphocytes have a memory strictly used to differentiate the difference between normal self-cells and the nonself-cells (those that are infected or have been malignantly transformed) in the body. The maximum level of T lymphocytes are activated on the 6th–8th day after the infection, when the invader is defeated and the disease is healing.5
This is the basis of present antigens in the form of vaccines to the immune system to develop a memory and heightened awareness in case of future exposure. But it is illogical to treat a problem that doesn’t exist. Instead, it is logical to take the problem and to find the solution. That’s exactly what Pasteur proposed.
In the case of an epidemic, after following Pasteur’s protocol of using natural substances, naturally inactivating them and harmlessly inoculating them in the population at risk would be far preferable to developing 1,000 vaccines thinking that perhaps sometime we will meet with that infectious agent. This will lead to unnecessary exhaustion of the immune system and produces stocks of antibodies which might never be used, thus weakening the body’s ability to face relevant and active immune system attacks.
The immune system of a baby, especially the cell-mediated component—is in full development when the vaccines start to be administered, at the age of 2–3 months. Until recently, vaccinations have stimulated the humoral immune system, (which forms antibodies). But recently, there are some vaccines which are recommended which stimulate the cell-mediated immune system. This leads to an exaggerated stimulation of the cell-mediated component which can lead to auto-immune disease even in adulthood, a side-effect well known to immunologists.6 For example, it is generally accepted that adult allergic respiratory disease result from an excessive cell-mediated activation against environmental allergens.7 In the infant, this imbalance between the humoral and the cellular immune system is broken and the entire immune system of the baby will have to suffer.8 The autoimmune diseases provoked by vaccines are chronic disease: Childhood Type-1 diabetes, bronchial asthma, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s disease, ADHD, Autism syndrome, and many more. The sudden death of infants is the most serious postvaccine complication, also referred to as sudden death syndrome (SIDS), which has been linked to the DTP vaccine (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis). In Japan, SIDS rates were drastically reduced once the DTP vaccine was no longer administered to the infant, but rather at the age of two years, when the immune system is more mature.9
Even though the side effects to combined vaccines are well known—in the form of more or less aggressive responses; and the impossibility to recognize which specific vaccine in these combinations caused the side effect, government laws require parents to vaccinate children with 5, 6 or 10 vaccines combined in one shot.
For example, the vaccine DTP-HIB, a combination of four vaccines, causes serious reactions, including seizures and for the baby to cry nonstop for 3 hours, known as “encephalitic screaming.” Encephalitic screaming (also known as the encephalitic cry) shows a post-vaccine side effect that can provoke acute encephalitis, post vaccination demyelination, and finally Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder syndrome, autism, and many other severe neurologic effects. The rates of these side effects were 10 times more frequent than in the case of the simpler vaccine DTP.10
The hexavaccine “hexavac” (DTaP, IPV, HBV, Hib) can provoke more secondary effects (fever, sleepiness), than the pentavaccine “Pentavac.”11 Doctors recognize that when the adverse reactions will appear after the pentavaccine or hexavaccine we will not know which elements provoked it.12
The American Academy of Pediatrics has observed that “the reactions and potential side effects of the combined antigens have not yet been determined. Since there is the potential for physical and chemical interaction among the vaccine components and the buffers and preservatives, the immunogenicity of each component needs to be addressed to determine whether these are similar to and as effective as the components given individually.”13
We must ask ourselves, were these studies ever done? If so, where are they published and where can they be found? But despite these issues, children continue to be inoculated with penta-, hexa- or even more complex vaccine combinations.
In addition to the risk incurred by cross immune response (to the multiple antigens in the combined vaccine, the effect of adjuvants and preservatives in the vaccine is also well known to cause adverse immune responses.14
Adjuvants are substances which attract the immune response to the site of the injection. Some of the most known adjuvants are aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and potassium aluminium sulphate. These adjuvants increase attract inflammatory factors and immune system cells to the injection site to improve the immune response to the vaccine.15
The response and magnitude of side effects in any human being to vaccines is largely based on the genetic component, or as Pasteur used to say “the field.”
As an example, adult-onset inflammatory joint disease and rheumatoid arthritis, as a reaction to the Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccine are higher in individuals who already have several genetically active markers on their HLA gene (human leukocyte antigen).16
I would also like to highlight that heavy metals from vaccines, as well as metals found in cosmetic and dental products can also trigger autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.17
This is a vast and difficult study to tackle.
As a medical doctor and surgeon, I would like to conclude by saying that vaccines as initially proposed and developed by Louis Pasteur, saved many lives throughout the years, and revolutionized the study of medicine for many years to come. Pasteur’s scientific rigor born out of good faith and the fear of God showed his research to be useful and scientifically tested. He emphasized not only on the quality of inoculum, or the vaccine, but also the health of the “field,” or the body which was going to be vaccinated. Unfortunately, as occurred with Alexander Nobel’s discovery of dynamite, when egocentric, materialistic, capitalist and ungodly people without morals or the fear of God, gain control, the result is a superficial, careless, and distorted end result. The modern-day production and mass administration of vaccination is reckless and has become a hazard to our health and that of our children. We see the end results in our modern world in ever-increasing chronic diseases, autoimmune disorders, and chronic inflammatory syndromes that are often incurable, incapacitating, or—even worse—fatal.
Although some vaccines can be useful in some limited situations, we need to be very cautious and intelligent with regards to how and why to accept them (for example, a rabies vaccine for a patient bitten by a rabid dog).
I believe there is a moral duty to declare that God has gifted us with a well-equipped immune system that can successfully face every infection—whether it be bacterial, fungal, viral, or prion—by finding the right solution for our issue and watching the cells and the self texture of the nonself. It is absolutely unnecessary to offer our body multiple vaccines, if the need or the time requires it. However, it is indeed our responsibility to strengthen the immune system and to keep it in perfect health in order to be protected. For this reason, I urgently enourage the careful reading and study of the following books: written by Ellen G. White. These books are beacons of light sent to us through divine inspiration by the Greatest Physician who ever existed—the Lord Jesus Christ. In these testimonies we find balanced solutions for strengthening the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems.
It is also our moral obligation and responsibility to be knowledgeable regarding everything that enters our body. Knowing that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we should be prudent with regard to each type of vaccine, becoming aware of what are the possible side effects and the risks benefits.
May the Lord help and give us His wisdom as described in Proverbs 8, that we may stay strong and not be manipulated—and that our “whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).