A Time for Big Changes

The Bible speaks of a very sad time in history when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).
It might sound okay to do whatever we want, but does that always turn out well?
What would happen to a child who really liked candy and would always eat as much as he/she wanted any time of day or night? Would that child stay healthy—or finally get sick? I think we know the answer. . . .
What about if some mean people would come to steal from you and hurt you because they decided that was okay to do? Would that be nice or would it be bad? I think we know the answer. . . .
Sometimes people think things are right when they are not really right at all. This makes big problems for everyone.
So, how do we know what is right?
God wrote with His own finger on two tables of stone a set of ten rules. We have ten fingers to help us remember them. Yes, you have heard of them—the Ten Commandments.
Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth in human flesh to live a perfect life and show us how to live by the Ten Commandments. He even allowed Himself to die so we can be forgiven for all those times we have not done right. In God’s strength, He rose from the dead and now is in Heaven, helping us from there.
When we pray to God and ask Him to write the Ten Commandments in our minds and hearts, we are happier ourselves and nicer to others. We end up doing what is right in the eyes of God, not just our own eyes.
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). He sees us and everything we do just as if we were in a video. But He doesn’t only see the outside. Our Creator can even read our thoughts and know what we are thinking. He wants to help us think and do what is good, noble, and true.
So, the best prayer we can ask Him is, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. . . . Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit” (Psalm 51:10, 12).
Yes, with a right spirit given by God, we can be not only clean in His sight, but joyful in ours. May this be our aim!—BHM.