Every Principle Repudiated

Change is not always easy! We like to eat when it’s lunchtime. We like to play when our chores are finished. We like for our friends always to be our friends and never hurt or disappoint us. We like our schoolwork to be not too hard. We like for a nice, sunny day not to be changed by a giant thunderstorm.
But what happens when there are big changes in life? Or worse yet, in the whole world? Things that are bigger than anybody can control?
We need to remember that God is greater than anything and everything that happens in this world. Sometimes things will not be easy for anyone. But nothing is too hard for the God who created the whole universe. In only six days, He’s the One that made light, heaven, the sun, moon and stars, the earth with all its plants, the birds, fish, animals, and the first people. He’s the same One that made you! He will soon make a perfect Earth with no more sadness, ugliness, pain, or death.
There’s a nice hymn about some good news. It reminds us that the New Earth won’t have bad changes:
“The home where changes never come,
Not pain nor sorrow, toil nor care;
Yes! ’tis a bright and blessed home;
Who would not fain be resting there?”
Then the poem tells us what this hope should make us decide to do:
“O wait! Meekly wait, and murmur not,
O wait! Meekly wait, and murmur not,
O wait! O wait! O wait! And murmur not!”
What does this mean? We should not complain and grumble if bad changes come. We need to trust our God. To all who trust in Him, He promises this new home with no bad changes! There the faithful ones will live forever!