It’s Time

The earth and all its people moan,
For suff’ring reigns, and it is dark.
Yet we who have great light speak not
Like dogs so dumb they will not bark.
To fail to speak when, yes, we should,
Is nothing less than certain crime.
The world is surely needing truth
And we must know that now’s the time.
For all they have is but a dream
Of circus, work, and stirring fright.
Yet Christ will come for all to see,
Amidst the bleakest hour of night.
We must not fail to tell the world;
God gives to each of us a role.
There’s no excuse for sitting back
When urgent is the sacred goal!
The difficulties loom like peaks
Unreachable, so it may seem.
But we are told to trust our King
And pressing on, the time redeem.
As each of us shall pray to God
For wisdom how to use each gift,
To shorten misery and woe—
And Christ’s return will be so swift!
Deep in our hearts, we know it’s time;
We know it is the final hour.
The Spirit’s poured on all the ones
Who crave that blessed, final shower!
Though weariness may tempt us great,
Yet as we look to God’s own light,
We see the glory from on high—
The power of His awesome might.
The journey and the toil may seem
To tax us by its daunting length.
But Christ’s own hand extends to us—
And clasping it, we gain His strength.
Just think—the joy that you will have
In Heaven seeing those you’ve met!
The ones with whom you shared the truth,
Those moments spent you won’t regret!
’Til finally our days are done
And soon enough His sweet release.
His cross has borne us up on high
And granted us eternal peace!
So, now we see just but a glimpse
Of God’s amazing work of grace.
But, oh, the joy, when Christ shall come
And we can see Him face to face!