It's Time for Jesus to Come!

One night, the king of Babylon had a dream. When he woke up, he was upset, since he knew the dream was about something big. But there was one problem. He could not remember what the dream was about! It was his own dream in his own sleep, so for sure, he was the only one who would know about it. Now he was unhappy. How was he going to find out the answer if he forgot the dream?
So, the king called magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and some who had been to a lot of schooling in Babylon. These were the people the king trusted to help him answer his question. He hoped they could tell him what the dream meant—but also what the dream even was!
But there was something wrong with these people. They had super powers above what most humans had—but that power did not come from God—it came from Satan. And God did not let Satan fool the king.
The king got very angry that no one could help him, so he was about to kill all the wise men—including some who were good.
Why did this happen? God wanted the king to meet Daniel, a man of faith. The Lord gave Daniel the secret answer. How can a man tell the meaning of what someone else dreamed if the person forgot what they even dreamed? That’s impossible!
But “the things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18:27).
The Lord gave special wisdom to Daniel to tell the king not only what the dream meant—but even what the dream was! That’s amazing! When Daniel told the story to the king, the king got very excited. Yes! That was it! That was his dream! And when Daniel told him what it meant, it all made sense.
What was the dream about? God told Daniel that the dream was about four big, powerful kingdoms that would be in the world—Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Over many years, sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. God knows the whole story of the world from beginning to end; He can tell the future. And He is willing to tell us about it! “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29).
The best part of the king’s dream was about how Jesus would come to earth and set up a new kingdom that would replace them all. The kingdom of Christ will be a happy kingdom where there will be no more mean people to hurt others. There will be no more crying and pain. No more fighting or killing. The animals will be kind and friendly. People won’t steal from each other or tell lies. Everyone will be nice and free to do good, to build their own house, plant their own garden, and explore the beauty of God’s creation all around the whole universe.
So, when you hear about the kingdom of God, be glad! Yes, it is a real kingdom—the best ever to exist! God is the only One who knows the future and He is the only One who can prepare us for it. Trust in Jesus and ask for His help to make you ready.
And He will help with whatever you need, just like he did to Daniel.—BHM.