What if It Were Today?

What am I doing
With all that I’ve heard?
And how am I spending my time?
Is it for Jesus’ own glory to glow,
Or is it a “thoughtlessness” crime?
Do I help people?
And does my light shine—
Or am I just stuck in my world?
Am I a witness of heavenly grace,
With banner of truth now unfurled?
Looking around me,
I see many signs—
But will the end come by surprise?
All these events were foretold long ago
To guide us that we might be wise!
We’re all on the run;
Our life hurries on. . . .
Ambition builds quite a few goals.
Have I remembered the far greater aim
Of Christians to rescue lost souls?
On the horizon
There’s so much foretold;
There’s much that the prophecy shows.
Moments are hast’ning for all now to see—
A picture that’s rampant with woes.
Many are sleeping
As temporal things
Predominate all that is seen.
Jesus is coming for those who prepare,
Whose minds are made true, pure, and clean.
What am I doing?
Oh, what do I think?
Oh, whom do I seek to befriend?
Do I reach out to show Christ as my Lord,
While knowing probation will end?
Time is now short,
And the Lord will come soon—
So, now’s not the moment to play.
“It is now finished” will soon be proclaimed!
Oh, what if it happens today?
Jesus’ soon coming
Should fill up our minds
With joy and devotion untold.
Priv’leged to serve as His bearers of truth
Should render us faithful and bold!
Jesus is willing—
He’ll help us right now;
Just seek Him while He may be found!
Strength will be rendered to those who just ask;
His power will greatly abound!
Now is the hour
To seek His dear face
And relish the Word that He gives.
God is our Saviour throughout all the gloom;
We praise Him on high who now lives!
Jesus is coming;
He’s ready—are we?
He really wants not to delay!
Think of the joy to await the redeemed—
Oh, what if it just were today?