The Gathering Storm

Hot with anger is this world; pure love is waxing cold.
The only peace that we can find is in the paths of old.
The Scriptures show the way of life; mere human thoughts are vain.
Philosophies and men’s ideas bring sorrow, want, and pain.
Now’s the time to seek the Lord for hearts made pure and clean.
The clouds ahead are soon to burst in storm as never seen.
We need the mind of Christ within and His redeeming love,
For as we go through life ahead, we need “hold from above!”
Every sin must be confessed—and facing every trial,
We must be strong to stand for Christ; within our mouth no guile.
When faced with hostile forces strong, one’s spirit tends to chafe.
The main concern then often is to make sure “I” am safe.
Instead, we need God’s grace right now, to not betray our Lord—
To face with peace the angry mob and never draw a sword.
Beholding those who’ve hurt us much no matter what they’ve done;
And loving them as Jesus does, forgiving every one.
The storm is not about our pain; the storm shows who we are—
Reflecting Christlike faith within—to all, both near and far.
The light that shines in darkest night amid the crowd of woes
Will radiate from those of Christ who love both friends and foes.
So, when we think “the gath’ring storm,” my greatest fear should be
That I may never grieve the One who gave His life for me.
For when we see His life and death and all that He has done,
Our heart should soar in joyous hope: The victory is won!
—B. Montrose