First Sabbath Offering for a chapel in the West Indonesia Mission
The fourth most populous country on earth, Indonesia’s 2014 population is estimated at 252.8 million. It is the biggest muslim country in the world. While the Islamic religion is practiced amongst the largest portion of the population, there is significant religious diversity. Hindus, Budhists, Roman Catholics, Protestants (Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, and other Christian denominations) and other religions are free to practice their faith in this country.
The late Bro. Stephen Barat opened the work in Indonesia during his brief visit here in 1973. Bro. A.C. Sas soon followed up the interest and in July of the same year, in the North Sulawesi area, fifty souls were baptized. In the years following, a strong Union Conference was established and remained so for two decades. However, due to a number of difficulties in later years, the Union was eventually dissolved. In 2011 a minister was sent from the Philippines to Indonesia to assist in rebuilding the work here. We thank God that we have now been reorganized into two fields and one mission.
Our West Indonesia Mission, which includes Jakarta, is the smallest unit in the country. Our church in Jakarta used to be the most stable of our churches in this country. However, the spiritual difficulties experienced over many years reduced the membership. As a result of the spiritual work carried out since 2011, we praise God that the church is now growing. Many new members have been added and the number of interested souls in the truth has increased. In September of 2014 we were organized as the West Indonesia Mission.
We now need to renovate our old headquarters in Jakarta and acquire a place of worship for a newly organized church in Cileungsi. Since our West Indonesia Mission is yet in her infancy, our funds are very meager. We therefore wish to ask our brethren, sisters, and friends around the world to give generously on the first Sabbath of October 2015, towards the work of the Lord here in West Indonesia.
We thank you in advance for your financial support and pray that we will soon be able to renovate the old headquarters and buy a new house of worship to the glory of God.
Your brothers and sisters from the West Indonesia Mission