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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Insights From the Book of Isaiah

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First Sabbath Offering for a sanitarium in Baños, Ecuador

Ecuador is a country of South America. Its capital is Quito. Of the 15.49 million inhabitants, 80.40% adhere to the Catholic religion and 11.30% identify as Protestants.

The message of reformation came to Ecuador in 1945 through the efforts of Mario Linares. The work of the Reform Movement, as an organization, was legally established in 1973. At the moment there are 17 churches and 3 groups. Through the blessings of God, the work has grown significantly and four ministers of the gospel were ordained in the past two years.

In our last business meeting of 2012 we decided to build a sanitarium based on the counsel we find in the Spirit of Prophecy.

“The Lord has ordained that sanitariums be established in many places to stand as memorials for Him. This is one of His chosen ways of proclaiming the third angel’s message.”—Counsels on Health, p. 248.

In the same meeting, donations were made to support this project. A family generously donated land in Baños, the city chosen for the sanitarium. The Lord has given us qualified human resources: physicians, naturopaths, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and a brother who is doing his university thesis on this project. Our desire is to carry out this project with the blessings of God.

Baños de Agua Santa, better known as Baños, is a city in central Ecuador. There are several hot springs with a rich content of minerals, a large number of waterfalls, and various other natural attractions. Baños is characterized by its spring climate. It is the gateway to eastern Ecuador and provides a lush natural environment that makes it a point of destination for tourists from all over the world.

We believe that this sanitarium will be an effective way to spread the gospel in Ecuador, and we deeply appreciate your generous offerings for this purpose.

Your brothers and sisters from Ecuador

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