First Sabbath Offering for Literature for Needy Fields
What is the opposite of confusion? Clarity! The multitudes on Earth are confused—hence the prophetic reference to “Babylon,” i.e., confusion. People’s discernment, perception, and understanding all are foggy. They need clarity. Distinct truths need to be taught.
Will they listen? A few will; many will not—but they might look. They may take a moment to read something that catches their eye, and what they see may speak to the mind and enlighten the understanding.
“The way to dispel darkness is to admit light. The best way to deal with error is to present truth. It is the revelation of God’s love that makes manifest the deformity and sin of the heart centered in self.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 498. When they see the sin, they’ll long for the Saviour.
This wonderful revelation of God’s love can come through the printed pages, by means of many topics, for example:
“There should be more earnest efforts made to enlighten the people upon the great subject of health reform. Tracts of four, eight, twelve, sixteen, and more pages, containing pointed, well-written articles on this great question, should be scattered like the leaves of autumn.”—Counsels on Health, p. 466.
“Thousands of dollars which are now sacrificed upon the altar of hurtful lust will flow into the Lord’s treasury, multiplying publications in different languages to be scattered like the leaves of autumn. Missions will be established in other nations.”—Confrontation, p. 60.
In autumn, the leaves that fall from the trees are so numerous, it’s nearly impossible to count them. Yes, that’s how many tracts, pamphlets, magazines, and booklets containing present truth are needed. These are vital tools in the proclamation of the everlasting gospel. The production of such materials incurs an expense that, sadly, many cannot afford to pay, either in their own behalf or to share with others. Therefore, entrusted as we all are with the task of bearing the truth to others, we each have a duty and privilege to help them receive it.
The First Sabbath Offering today is for literature for needy countries. Your generous—even sacrificial—offering can go a long way to help others learn of and prepare for the Lord’s return.
Thank you for colaboring with Christ!
The General Conference Publishing Department