October-December, 2016
The Joy That Is Set Before Us
The pride and pleasures of the world with all their temporal perks do not impress the King of kings. Let us seek instead those eternal qualities that Heaven values most.
Do I Need Christ?
It’s easy to to become comfortable with life and not realize we are actually forgetting about Jesus. Learn about a 3-step process to restore the reality of His presence in your life.
An Object Lesson In Weeds
Stray plants, stray thoughts—all sprouting and growing where they don’t belong and needing to be uprooted and discarded. . . .
Examining the scriptures to gain a real understanding of your Creator’s purpose, with the aid of His Holy Spirit.
Echoes from Paradise
One hundred and fifty musicians from many countries assembled in Porumbacu, Romania, to learn more about how music can be used to honor God in these last days.
The Sabbath
Keeping God’s holy Sabbath is not about being part of some kind of Saturday social club. It means wonderful communion with the Creator who blessed and sanctified the seventh day.
Missionary Work in Romania (Part 4 of 4)
Children’s camps can be a great source of spiritual education and fun for the young—and sometimes the children grow up to become the teachers!
Thoughts & Feelings
Thoughts and Feelings make up the moral character. Therefore, we should guard them carefully to ensure the best results!
Swift to Hear, Slow to Speak, Slow to Wrath
A poetic presentation of a key component in effective Christian communication.