The Handwriting on the Wall
Sooner or later, we all need to give an account to our Creator. What happened on Belshazzar’s fateful night?
Jesus Christ: the sinner’s advocate
The Son of man gave His life as a sacrifice for us—He suffered the crucifixion that we could withstand the lure of temptation.
What Is Presumption?
Doubt, rejecting light, making excuses, pride of display—all are traps of presumption. Guard against them!
Words to the Young
Whatever the task assigned—even if it’s dull—can be done right. This is a duty and privilege for us all.
The People’s Friend
Yes, the character and teachings of Christ of Nazareth can indeed live on among us today!
Organization and Cleanliness
The Bible principles of decency and order are to characterize our daily habits. These are keys to success.
May I Please Get a Like?
Today’s society seems to be almost desperately addicted to the virtual world. But the most important “Like” we should seek is from God.
The Overcomer
What does the Bible teach about the very best goal in life—the goal of eternity?
A Taste for Reality
To stand on a strong foundation, a taste for reality needs to be cultivated in an age when so much fantasy and fiction dominate.