Jesus Christ: the sinner’s advocate
Jesus resisted temptation so firmly that He literally sweat blood—and He invites us to take hold of His strength in prayer.
The Foundation of Character
We’re here on earth for a reason—to develop a character to endure unto eternity. It all starts when we’re still young!
The Handwriting on the Wall
God is watching His enemies and hoping they will change—and He is tenderly watching over those who, like Daniel, are seeking to follow Him.
Victory In the Battle with Temptation
The goal of life is to conquer the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life by taking up the whole armor of God to withstand the wiles of the devil.
Canvassing is a great way to open doors to introduce wholesome literature into homes and provide present truth to souls that are longing for answers.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
All of us at any age can pause to consider whether we’re really living out this essential principle in the Lord’s Prayer we so frequently recite.
How Are YOUth to Think?
How are YOUth to think? In a prevailing atmosphere of foolishness and mockery, are your thoughts different from those of the crowd?
The Ocean Rock
Be strengthened and inspired by this powerful lesson from God’s creation, as manifested in beautiful poetry!