Between Friends
Sooner or later, every one of us will have to make a decision to either serve God wholeheartedly or to superficially maintain our Christian routine while giving in to Satan’s deceptive advances. Learn how to say no to evil influences and yes to Jesus and to the one He chooses to be your life partner.
How To Find True Love
Learn from a couple’s experience how to fall in love, grow in love and stay in love for life and hope for an eternity in the company of the one ou love.
Your Courtship Questions Answered
Dating and courting are not one and the same thing. While dating as we know it is a shortcut to momentary satisfaction, courting is the process by which two individuals of opposite gender get to know each other wit the purpose of forming a family. learn more about courtship in this article.
Letting Go and Letting God
It’s very common for Christian youth to fall in love unexpectedly, before they even get a chance to reason whether the person they are attracted to suits their needs from all perspective. And one aspect that is mostly neglected is the spiritual one. In this article you learn from the author’s experience how to let go if you find out that you didn’t let God choose your “first love”.
Your Questions Answered
Another series of most common questions answered in this article. The answers may not be what you would expect for when compared to the 21st century’s usual, but it may save you a lot of emotional distress if you adopt the mentality: “better safe than sorry”.
Surviving an LDR
Today’s normal is different from yesterday’s. I mean the “way back” yesterday. Long distance relationships are more and more common as social media facilitates the process of getting to know someone with no limits when it comes to distance. But is LDR good for you? Is it the best for you? Take a read and learn from Larissa’s experience.
Your Courtship Questions Answered
I hope you can handle the answer to another question. It’s an important one as it may involve breaking a heart or two, if you are not gentle enough. This time, learn how to go about splitting from someone after you officially promised love to one another.
Reflections . . . 45 Years Later
You think it’s tough to fall in love? Imagine staying in love for nearly half a century and still be excited about your relationship. You’ll be blessed by this wonderful LOVE STORY!