On Friday, April 24th, after what had been (for most of us) a beautiful long trip, we all reached our camp destination at Condobolin campsite, Gum Bend Road—and Lake Condobolin was in sight. A total of 10 tents were pitched, and around 30 of us were there for the start of the Sabbath, which was much looked forward to! Larry Ah Ching (NSW Youth Leader) opened the Sabbath with a few favorite hymns followed by readings from Exodus, Numbers, and Joshua—tracing Joshua's path to leadership. With this theme, our youth could learn principles for success which they could apply today, and a short discussion followed.
Soups seemed to be on everyone’s menu for Friday night, and were definitely enjoyed by all, to take the bite out of the cool evening. Surprisingly, everyone went to bed later than normal for a Friday night, as some went for a walk around the lake. Others were enjoying group discussions and another group enjoyed singing along with Abraham Dumaguit on the guitar. Friday night’s rest was a mixture of bird sounds, cows mooing, possums screeching, ducks quacking, geese honking, and not to forget the road train and freight train shudders in the night.
Surprisingly we all awoke half refreshed, and ready for breakfast. After breakfast, we enjoyed the study of our Sabbath school lesson by the lake. It was lovely to have a friend, John, who lived 70 km away, to join us for the Sabbath day's program.
The youth separated to study the lesson with David Dumaguit, as the younger children sang songs and enjoyed a nature treasure hunt, finding items such as feathers, leaves, rocks, flowers, insects, things fuzzy, things green, and many more interesting collectables.
Brother Peter Lausevic led out in a presentation and discussion on "Does Your Past Determine Your Future?", bringing out the fact that it is not only our future, but our characters which will determine who we are and what we will do in life.
There is an appeal given in the Spirit of Prophecy where the servant of the Lord says, "I entreat you to be wise, and consider what will be the result of leading a wild life, uncontrolled by the Spirit of God. 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap' (Galatians 6:7)" (Messages to Young People, p. 21).
What effect will your wrong choices, temptations and failures have on your decisions? Much more than we all may have realized. If we compromise on wrongs done before, this will affect us always, even if we repent. A known sin, if repented of, will affect us forever/eternity. Though God may forgive the sinner, this act will affect us for eternity.
"Every sin, every unrighteous action, every transgression of the law of God, tells with a thousandfold more force upon the actor than the sufferer. Every time one of the glorious faculties with which God has enriched man is abused or misused, that faculty loses forever a portion of its vigor and will never be as it was before the abuse it suffered. Every abuse inflicted upon our moral nature in this life is felt not only for time but for eternity. Though God may forgive the sinner, yet eternity will not make up that voluntary loss sustained in this life. To go forth into the next, the future life, deprived of half the power which might be carried there is a terrible thought. The days of probation lost here in acquiring a fitness for heaven, is a loss which will never be recovered. The capacities of enjoyment will be less in the future life for the misdemeanors and abuse of moral powers in this life. However high we might attain in the future life, we might soar higher and still higher, if we had made the most of our God-given privileges and golden opportunities to improve our faculties here in this probationary existence."—This Day With God, p. 350.
"Seeking greater honor or a more pleasing task, they attempt something for which they are not fitted. Many a man whose talents are adapted for some other calling, is ambitious to enter a profession; and he who might have been successful as a farmer, an artisan, or a nurse, fills inadequately the position of a minister, a lawyer, or a physician. There are others, again, who might have filled a responsible calling, but who, for want of energy, application, or perseverance, content themselves with an easier place. We need to follow more closely God’s plan of life. To do our best in the work that lies nearest, to commit our ways to God, and to watch for the indications of His providence—these are rules that ensure safe guidance in the choice of an occupation."—Education, p. 267.
God has a special plan for us. We must consider the following points:
- Apply what we are doing in our daily life.
- Do it to our best ability.
- Commit our ways to God.
"We are admonished to redeem the time. But time squandered can never be recovered. We cannot call back even one moment. The only way in which we can redeem our time is by making the most of that which remains, by being co-workers with God in His great plan of redemption. In him who does this, a transformation of character takes place. He becomes a son of God, a member of the royal family, a child of the heavenly King. He is fitted to be the companion of the angels."—Christ Object Lessons, p. 342.
After a delicious combined savory lunch, we spent some precious time exchanging thoughts and plans for letterboxing the area of Condobolin. The young people divided into 4 groups and headed off to their letterboxing activities, while others stayed behind and went for a walk around the lake. We all sang songs together accompanied by Abraham on the guitar as it started to sprinkle light rain for the closing of Sabbath. Nathan Wiseman led out in the close of Sabbath with favorite songs and favorite Bible verses. After a big lunch, dinner wasn't really on anybody's minds, but all the same, we started cooking some fresh corn, heating up waffles, baking potatoes in the fire, and socializing with one another. After dinner, Amos Thiel led out in some games for the young and old which were enjoyed by everybody.
After a good night’s rest, we all had morning worship together around the fire, led out by Craig Cunningham, relating personal experiences in his life, and emphasizing the importance of seeking God.
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee" (Isaiah 60:1).
"Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame" (1 Corinthians 15:34).
After a quick breakfast and looking at the weather, we all decided to pack up our tents before the rain, and go on our hike up Mount Tilga (The heart of NSW), while Tanya Ah Ching, Kaylene Thiel, Nadine Cunningham, and a few of the little children stayed behind to prepare our delicious BBQ lunch which was much appreciated by all. Exhausted and tired, lunch was much looked forward to.
After lunch and all the farewells, slowly one by one, each of us left for the long journey home. Many thanks to our leaders and their assistants in putting together this outing.
Kiara-Shaye and Veronica Hake