UKRAINE—In a recently war-torn country that still feels the effects of a military presence, our church members have gathered together to form the "Angel's Hand" Charitable Foundation. The charity is composed of a community of people who have a desire to help others. Their goal is to help all those in need and who, for whatever reason, may be in trouble.
The challenges they face are the huge opportunities, but limited resources. On their Facebook group they write, "But we are guided by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." (Luke 16:10). On this basis, according to the blessings the Lord has given us, we will support those who have lost hope in this world, not only with food, tools, and clothing, but also with hope and the comfort of the Word of God."
Brother Gennady Lavrik, one of the organizers writes about some of the projects in which they are currently involved:
Charitable meals for the needy in the city of Khust every Thursday.
When we started doing this work, we fed about 50 people at a sitting, but now we have over 150 people. Our brethren donate money and time to fulfill the following words of Jesus: “But Jesus said unto them, ‘They need not depart; give ye them to eat.’” (Matthew 14: 16). We worked out an interesting program, a new way of celebrating birthdays—the birthday person cooks or pays for lunch prepared for the needy on his or her birthday. The motto of the program goes like this: “Stop feeding full persons, but feed those that really want to eat!”
Helping those in need.
We help those who have got health problems. These include members of our church, but we also attend those who do not share our beliefs. Money is gathered through our pages on social networks and also through personal donations of money and medicines.
Volunteering/Restoration Work
We help orphanages, nursing homes, and boarding schools as much as we can.
Most people wouldn't believe the state of the hospital in Tyachev, which is under significantly miserable condition, but unfortunately, that's the way it is in Ukraine. Two of our brethren paid for repairs in three rooms and the corridor of a hospital’s department. The charity also seeks to help those that have suffered because of the situation in Eastern Ukraine. Unfortunately, military actions exposed people to risks; that’s why several times we helped people in Donbass, bringing them products, clothes, and money.
Missionary concerts.
Another of the charity's incentives is putting on Evenings of Spiritual Music at different sanatoriums of Truskavets and the city of Tyachev. We read the Scriptures during pauses between songs; in the end we always pray for peace, the children, and the families. The interesting thing is that we often hold concerts at the sanatorium of the MIA (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Ukraine, even though this place still reminds people of the USSR and the fear caused by police officers. Indeed, God is great!
May God continue blessing and prospering His work in Ukraine and wherever His people have, through His power, risen to spread His peace, love, and hope.