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Calls of the Heart: Youth Camp Meeting - Romania

Horia Ioniță
January 19, 2016
On December 24–28, 2015, approximately 500 church members and visitors attended a youth camp meeting at the church's retreat property in Porumbacu, Sibiu.

“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek" (Psalm 27:8).


“God's invitation comes to each youth, 'My son, give Me thine heart; I will keep it pure; I will satisfy its longings with true happiness.'  God loves to make the youth happy, and that is why He would have them give their hearts into His keeping, that all the God-given faculties of the being may be kept in a vigorous, healthful condition. They are holding God's gift of life. He makes the heart beat; He gives strength to every faculty. Pure enjoyment will not debase one of God's gifts. We sin against our own bodies, and sin against God, when seeking pleasures, which separate our affections from God. The youth are to consider that they are placed in the world on trial, to see whether they have characters that will fit them to live with angels.” —Messages to Young People, p. 408.


With these words in our minds, the Romanian Youth Department invited the young people to a camp meeting held at our church property in Porumbacu, Sibiu, from December 24–28, 2015. There were approximately 500 attendees which meant that the campus and nearby accommodations were filled to capacity.


The speakers and their respective messages were as follows:


Br. Barbu Corneliu — "Choosing Our Circle"

Br. Beni Chirilă’s — “Your Salvation, God's Quest”

Br. Emil Barbu — “Come Despite the Storm”

Br. Ozren Buriša — “Come to Me” 

Br. Davi P. Silva — “The Glory of the Cross” and “The Righteous Shall Live by Faith”


There was also time reserved for discussion and Q & A with the GC Youth Department Director, Br. Radu Ioniță.


On Sabbath afternoon, a special program was held in which many of the youth had the opportunity to praise our Lord with music. On Sunday, we were blessed with a sunny day, and we went on a trip to the famous Transfăgărăsan Highway, which goes over the Carpathian Mountains, where we hiked the mountain to the Bâlea Waterfall. There, we spent time together in fellowship and enjoyed the snow and the magnificent view.


Altogether, the meeting was remarkable as we studied the Word of God, listened to His call, and relaxed in the mountains, admiring the perfection of His creation. May the Lord bless us with His abundant grace and help us remember the messages we heard over the course of these meetings, and so  come to say like David: “When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek” (Psalm 27:8).
