Waihi Beach is the jewel in the crown of the Southern Coromandel and Bay of Plenty. It offers nine kilometres of sweeping white sand with one of the safest surf breaks in New Zealand. It brings people back each summer to just relax or enjoy activities out on the water or along our coastline and bush.
In one of these particular areas, we held the camp meeting for the young people, for our friends and brethren. The date was set for October 6-11, 2015, and preparations were made to organise the program. The theme for this camp meeting was “The Challenge Camp”.
The meetings were blessed with the presence of two guest speakers, Brother Rolly Dumaguit, the Pacific Regional Secretary and Second Vice President of the SDARM General Conference, and Brother Csongor Matyas, the AUC Youth Department Leader. Both visitors imparted inspiring messages and wonderful instruction.
Day 1.
We had the presence of thirty-five individuals on the first day. After settling the camp, we joined together for the evening worship. A precious thought was drawn from Ecclesiastes 3:11 and the Spirit of Prophecy:
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end."
“No mortal mind can penetrate the secrecy in which the Mighty One dwells and works. Only that which He sees fit to reveal can we comprehend of Him. Reason must acknowledge an authority superior to itself. Heart and intellect must bow to the great I AM” The Ministry of Healing p. 438.
Day 2.
Brother R. Dumaguit presented talks on the following topics:
“Inspiring Another”
“Your Unknown Potential”
and “The Difference Between a Disciple and a Member”.
Brother C. Matyas brought up challenges for the youth, family, and the church in his presentation based on the premise that God calls those of us who are weak, those of us that don’t have wisdom. God does call ordinary people to His work. Why? Because Christ becomes our wisdom, our righteousness, and Christ becomes our strength.
Day 3.
On the third day there was a picnic on the beach. Before that, it was decided that the youth would be having a separate class from the adults. The youth were to remain with Brother C. Matyas, and Brother R. Dumaguit gave a lecture on “oikos” to the adults.
After lunch we drove to the beach. We enjoyed the fresh sea breeze, green grass, trees, blue waters, white sand, and trails that lead up and down to the nearest peak that offered a wonderful view of Waihi Beach.
Day 4.
Every day brought a new set of people to the camp, and by the fourth day we had forty-six individuals in attendance. It was Friday, the day of preparation. In the morning, the youth and adults were again in separate places. The youth and children decided to go out to visit a gold mine. There they learned that there are many who are willing to jeopardize their lives to find gold that is perishable, but few are are willing to risk their lives in exchange for the eternal life.
For the evening worship, we all gathered togetherfor a session of thanksgiving. Brother Abraham Dumaguit, one of the visitors from Australia, led us in worship and praise, which was shortly followed by a study presented by Brother Csongor Matyas on “Worship.”
Day 5.
On Sabbath morning the thoughts for the morning devotion were based on Hosea 12:4 – “Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him: he found him in Beth-el, and there he spake with us.” “Through humiliation, repentance, and self-surrender, this sinful, erring mortal prevailed with the Majesty of heaven. He had fastened his trembling grasp upon the promises of God, and the heart of Infinite Love could not turn away the sinner’s plea” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 197.
Our Sabbath School was graced by the attendance of fifty souls. Brother Matyas directed the study of the lessons. Brother Rolly Dumaguit preached during the Divine Service. He delivered an inspiring message that was based upon ten, life-changing words of Jesus to Mary Magdalene – “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” John 8:11.
The youth meeting in the afternoon was led by Brother C. Matyas. It was a very pleasing program for the young and also for the young “at heart.” We had singing, presentations, and a Q&A session about basic doctrines and issues. Our spirits were animated by this wonderful fellowship. Brother Billy Te Kahika brought the closing thought for the evening worship about the role of our family in the success of the church’s work. We welcomed the new week with a photo session.
Day 6.
We all gathered together for the final morning worship. We listened to the parting thoughts on Jesus’ resurrection. “And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me” (Matthew 28:9, 10). Jesus replied, “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father. Go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God ’” (John 20:17, Emphasis supplied).
Jesus’ resurrection brought the new beginnings to the disciples. The fisherman, Peter, was transformed into a mighty preacher. Matthew the tax collector became the faithful chronicler of one of the Gospels. Thomas the doubter became a missionary to India. Mary and all the disciples were transformed. This can be a new beginning for you and me.
~ Arnaldo Pedrosa
Sources: http://www.waihibeachinfo.co.nz/
Originally posted on: www.sdarm.org.au