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Updates from Northern Africa

John Bosco
March 14, 2017
Photo updates from our Regional Secretary for Northern Africa.

Despite significant hurdles like poverty and war, the work in Northern Africa is advancing by God's grace. Brother John Bosco, the General Conference's Regional Secretary for Northern Africa has sent the photos below as updates on the work in Tanzania, Cameroon, and Sierra Leone.


Geographically, these countries are in East Africa, Central Africa, and West Africa respectfully. When the work in Africa became too large for one Regional Secretary for Africa, it was divided into two regions assigned to two regional secretaries—Northern and Southern Africa.


The Northern African Region includes Burundi, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Madagascar, North and South Kivu in Congo, Rwanda, Seychelles, Central Africa Republic, Cameroon, Benin, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, and Togo. The Southern African Region includes Angola, Botswana, Congo, Zambia, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Namibia, and Malawi.


It is our hope that the work will continue to grow and soon we will have regional secretaries for each African region.


Photos 1 and 2 are of our brethren in Tanzania. Our church in Tanzania can be seen in the background. 


Photo number 3 is of our brethren in Cameroon. The church building can also be seen in the background. 


Photos 4 and 5 are of our brethren and interested friends in Sierra Leone. The photos are of a baptism earlier this year when 100 souls were baptized and welcomed into our Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement family.


Life is difficult in Sierra Leone, and it is one place where the issue of poverty is significant. Not only is spiritual food needed, but physical needs must also be met. 


During the 2014-2016 Ebola Crisis, the country was devastated by the outbreak of the Ebola virus. The GC Welfare Department sent funds to the interested brethren in order to provide medicine and sanitation to those in need, which they greatly appreciated. Yet, there is always more to be done.


As may be seen from the photos, there is currently no church in Sierra Leone and the current likelihood of building one soon is small in the current situation. If you would like to help our new brethren in Sierre Leone as well as impact the local community, or if you would like to help make the dream of a church in Sierra Leone possible, remember them in your Sabbath offering. Designate a special offering to Sierra Leone by marking it on your offering envelope, or simply click the button below to donate now.

May God bless you and your contributions, as well as the work and brethren in Northern Africa.