Health Reform is not just a synonym for vegetarianism. In fact, it encompasses all aspects of living a healthy life! Here are some easy things to do to refresh and reset.
1. Practice temperance
Temperance applies to all areas of our life. Eating healthy foods is commendable and necessary for a healthy lifestyle, but an excess of even the healthiest foods is detrimental. There are also many foods that are vegetarian or even vegan, but that are unhealthy and best avoided.
2. Exercise
Exercise is vital to have the health and vigor necessary to be ambassadors for Christ. Find an exercise regime that works with your likes and schedule. Besides an exercise routine, there are daily choices you can make to exercise your body. Choose to park further away from entrances and walk. Take the stairs. Plan walks and time in nature for Sabbath afternoons.
3. Sleep
A lack of sleep can bring surprisingly negative outcomes to your health. Energy is depleted, and even more serious diseases can set in. Oftentimes, the temptation to “catch up” on sleep on Sabbath will become irresistible. Sleeping late is a vice that can be overcome. Whenever possible, let arrange your schedule to include a full night’s rest.
More on getting a good night’s sleep
4. Take care of your emotional health
The worries and joys of the heart affect the physical body. That is why it is important to care for your emotional health. Understand and process your own emotions, be in right relationship with others, be in right relationship with God, and enjoy emotional health.
More on emotional intelligence
5. Limit screen time
The amount of time we spend in front of screens also has an impact on our health. Technology brings benefits, such as uniting families separated by distance (thus aiding with emotional health). However, it is also an aspect in which Christians must exercise temperance. Avoid screens before bedtime. Avoid allowing social media or entertainment to get in the way of your relationship with God, or of causing comparison between yourself and others.
Implement some of these changes today. May God help us in our efforts to be conscientious in our health reform and always strive to “live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world” (Titus 2:12).