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Spiritual Meetings in Novi Sad, Serbia

Adrian Barnea
December 10, 2019
The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church in Novi Sad was the host of a beautiful spiritual and musical event.

Novi Sad, Serbia—On November 8-9, 2019, the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement church in Novi Sad was the host of a beautiful spiritual and musical event. Brethren from Hungary traveled to join our brethren in Novi Sad for the special weekend. The meetings were centered on the question: “How much time do you spend with God?”  The sermons were presented by Brother Adrian Barnea, from Romania, and Brother Mátyás Gálig, from Hungary.


On Sabbath afternoon a musical concert was held at the church, to which the brethren in Novi Sad invited their friends. We pray that the Lord continue blessing His work here.


Your brethren from Novi Sad, Serbia!