My dear Reform Movement church family,
May this letter find each one of you under God’s loving care.
Looking back to 2021
As we approach both the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, we are given the opportunity to look back and thank God for material and spiritual blessings received during this past year, for obstacles overcome, for daily sustaining grace, for life in this world and for the assurance of eternal life provided for us on Calvary.
Looking back, most of us will also see some disappointments and failures. We began 2021 planning to be a better person, to walk closer to Jesus, to be a blessing to every person with whom we would come in contact.
But throughout the 365 days that followed, it is likely that you suffered many disappointments that may still be stinging. It might be that you disappointed others or failed to meet your goals and feel disappointed with yourself.
You might be looking back in despair feeling like you are the most sinful person on this planet, realizing that all you deserve is reproof and condemnation, because you have failed more than you should. You feel that you have disappointed God.
Our Heavenly Father has a message for you:
“The mighty helper is nigh to help the most erring, the most sinful and despairing. Look up by faith, and the light of the glory of God will shine upon you. Do not be discouraged because you see that your character is defective...”
{BEcho, December 1, 1892, par. 5}
My dear sister and my dear brother, if you are reading this message, it means that you have been given another opportunity, a new blank page to fill.
When you are tempted to be discouraged, to give up on your journey towards heaven, stop thinking about your failures, and think instead about the blessings and progress reached through God’s grace. You may not have accomplished all you set out to do this year but be thankful to God for what you were able to obtain.
Take courage! Christ is your helper, and He will continue to be on your side in 2022. Believe!
“… Yes, only believe that God is your helper. He wants to restore His moral image in man. As you draw near to Him with confession and repentance, He will draw near to you with mercy and forgiveness.” {Sc 55.1}
Looking forward to 2022
I find it inspiring that Christ did not promise victory and salvation only to the strong or the wise. He said:
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved,” Matthew 24:13.
All He requires is that we never leave Him, that despite our weakness and failures, we don’t give up but persevere on our journey with Him every day.
Yes, it is likely that you will face some more disappointments and failures in 2022, but don’t give up, trust in His grace, and move forward with Him, persevere until the end, and you shall be saved. Again, my brethren, persevere! do not give up! do not despair!
Whatever may come in 2022, say with Job: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him,” Job 13:15.
We will not always understand God’s plan. Quite often His blessings come to us in ways we don’t understand. But if we remember that “… all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose” Romans 8:28, it will be possible to enjoy every moment of 2022.
You loved God in 2021, despite errors, mistakes, and failures, and you will continue loving God in 2022, and He will continue walking beside you.
May you feel His presence with you, believe that He has forgiven you and given you the strength you need to overcome the world. (1 John 5:4).