Tijuana and Tecate, Mexico—On October 12, 2021, a group of thirty brethren, most of them young people, traveled from Colombia to Mexico for a challenging canvassing experience in the cities of Tijuana and Tecate, along the Mexico-USA border.
Led by the Columbian Union Canvassing Department Director, Sister Esperanza García, and with the support of our Brethren in Los Angeles and San Bernardino (USA), the mission was a success. The young people had an extraordinary experience visiting homes, talking about health, sowing hope, praying for families, and distributing books, magazines, and Bibles. Many people were reached, and it was forty wonderful days of labor.
The mission ended on November 21. We praise God for the blessings bestowed during the days spent there. May God bless each person who participated, the brethren who collaborated, and the souls that were reached. Let us pray for them!
“May the Lord move upon many of our young men to enter the canvassing field as canvassing evangelists. By the canvassing work the truth is presented to thousands that otherwise would not hear it. Our time for work is short.” CM 19.4
“By the printed page the light reaches the isolated ones, who have no opportunity to hear the living preachers. This is a most blessed missionary work. Canvassers can be the Lord's helping hand, opening doors for the entrance of truth...” CM 20.1