Jacob de Souza
April 10, 2023
A canvassing seminar and practical exercise took place in Coleambally at the end of March.

Coleambally, Australia — On March 25-26, the brethren in Coleambally, New South Wales, held a special canvassing seminar organized by the Elim Health Store representatives, Brother Jacob and Sister Sandra de Souza. Brother Jacob is also the AUC Missionary Department Leader.
The theme was “Dare to be a Canvasser”. On Sabbath, the Divine Service was entitled “The Call and the Promise”. The afternoon program expanded the weekend’s theme “Dare to be a Canvasser”. The next morning, a training session, “The Canvasser in Action” took place before the canvassers set out door-to-door.
Let us pray for the work done in Coleambally, that the seeds sown may bring forth fruit for God’s honor and glory.