Every year, the Temple Hills, Maryland church hosts a spiritual conference around the time of the blooming of the flowering ornamental cherry trees in the Washington, DC area (the capital of the United States.) This year it was held on the weekend of April 15-17 and the theme for this conference was “For Such A Time As This”. When the Jewish nation was threatened by jealous Haman, faithful Mordecai sent a message to Queen Esther, saying “Who knows if perhaps you were made a queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:14. We all have "golden" moments in our lives, but what happens if we miss them? This conference was intended to help individuals find God’s plan in their life.
On Friday night, Br. Davi P. Silva identified God's plan for each individual during his sermon entitled God’s Plan For You. He emphasized that God has a special plan for everyone, and that it is up to us to accept the call of the Lord and not miss our "golden" moment. The conference continued, and on Sabbath morning, Br. David Zic discussed ways of Shining Forth for God’s Glory. How can you personally emit God’s glory? How can your family share God’s glory? How can our Church shine for God’s glory? The conference was concluded with the topic The Gospel In Action delivered by Bro. David Zic. Once the individual receives the gift of conversion, it is his personal mission to put the Gospel In Action.
The conference was attended by over 150 believers from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, California, Washington DC and Maryland, with guest speakers from Roanoke, Virginia and Sacramento, California.
On Sabbath afternoon, April 16, 2016, the youth organized a Music Concert as a community outreach, which proved to be a blessing to the church members and visitors. For Sunday, the fellowship continued with a nature walk beside the Great Falls of the Potomac River.
We thank the Lord our God for having so mercifully blessed the conference, and we thank all our friends and visitors that could attend and receive the blessing.
If you missed the conference, be sure to subscribe to the SDARM Temple Hills YouTube channel where all the video material will be made available. You can also keep up with the Temple Hills church by liking the SDARM Temple Hills Facebook page for latest news, updates, and events.
SDARM YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/user/thsdarm
SDARM Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thchurch