On May 26-29, the first SDARM International Digital Evangelism Symposium will be held in Brasília, Brazil. The event will also be broadcasted online. The initiative stemmed from a collaborated effort by the Connected with God Project, the SDARM Media Studio, and the Brazilian Unions. The objective of the event is to offer training, as well as to facilitate an exchange of experiences and the establishment of links between the various existing initiatives in the church that are focused on evangelism in the digital world.
The event will include talks on current means of communication, seminars about digital evangelism, and workshops on digital photography, video editing, web design, and visual programming. Other lectures will be given concerning the challenges the church faces within our digital reality, and case studies of problems that have occurred. There will also be time dedicated towards interaction among participants who will be able to share ideas, personal experiences, and strategies used for digital evangelism.
To receive updates on the event including the broadcast link, and to RSVP, follow along on the Facebook event for the Symposium by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1783470818542416/ or by Registering on the website for the event here: http://www.crescermais.org/eventos/ler/encontromidiabrasilia