Georgetown, Guyana—On Sabbath, September 21, 2019, the Reform Movement General Conference Public Meetings were held in Sumaré, Brazil. Thousands of members, visitors, and friends gathered for a special Sabbath in fellowship.
Meanwhile, church services continued all around the world. Sabbath Schools were held, sermons preached, and the Gospel shared. This was the case in Guyana. After the morning services at church, the brethren who attend the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement church in Georgetown met to distribute literature in their community. Three-hundred pieces of literature, including copies of the Youth Messenger, were given.
May the Lord prosper the work being done in Guyana.
“Whatever our position,—whether presidents of conferences, ministers, teachers, students, or lay members,—we are held accountable by the Lord for making the most of our opportunities to enlighten those in need of present truth. And one of the principal agencies He has ordained for our use is the printed page.” Testimonies for the Church 9:86, 87.
“All cannot go out as canvassers for our larger books; but there is a field of usefulness open before many of our brethren and sisters in the placing of truth-filled publications in the homes of their neighbors and friends.” The Review and Herald, November 5, 1914.