Victorious Lives

In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, we find seven promises to the overcomers during the seven different periods of God’s church:
1. Access to the tree of life.
2. Freedom from the second death.
3. Hidden manna to eat and a white stone with Jesus’ new name.
4. Power over the nations; the Morning Star, which is Christ Himself (the redeemed will enjoy the privilege of the eternal presence of Christ).
5. A white garment, which is the righteousness of Christ, and having their names permanently written in the Lamb’s book of life.
6. To be pillars in the temple of God—the saved will reflect God’s character for eternity.
7. They will be seated with Christ on His throne.
Do you enjoy these promises? For sure you do; I do, too. Let us keep in mind that God is faithful in fulfilling His promises, as long as we, by His grace, fulfill the condition—that of being overcomers.
Ever since our first parents first fell into sin, humanity has been weak in moral power and unable to overcome the evil one in their own strength. However, on the same day Adam and Eve sinned, the Lord presented to them a star of hope when He promised that He would overcome Satan and bruise the head of the archenemy.
We enjoy the blessing of knowing the victorious lives of men of God from the very beginning of Bible history: Adam, Abel, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Jochebed, Hannah, Ruth, Abigail, Deborah, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, and a big list of other heroes found in the Holy Book.
As we study carefully the lives of these men and women, we often find serious defects of character over which they were victorious by faith. As a matter of fact, on the list appearing in the book of Hebrews, the expression “By faith” precedes every name. It would be good if we would take time to study the life of all these heroes.
We can overcome our defects of character the same way—by faith in the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. We have the same merciful God, the same grace, the same divine agencies at hand. They are more than willing to succor us any time we appeal to our powerful Saviour and Lord.
Are we suffering some defeat in our struggles to overcome? Those heroes were also defeated. Yet their final victory is a warranty that we, too, can overcome.
During this Week of Prayer we will consider carefully the lives of some heroes mentioned in the Bible. It will be a very profitable study, but, more than that, we can enjoy the same victory as they enjoyed, as we receive the same grace they received. Yes, we can overcome with our Lord Jesus Christ. Be sure of that. God bless!