January-March, 2015

How little some see or feel in this word “friendship,” yet how much there really is in it. Few there are without friends, but though most of us have what we term friends, few of us have the real, faithful friend for which the heart yearns. Whoever has worldly prosperity has what the world terms “friends.” But let the prosperous man lose his wealth, and the vast army of flatterers vanish as snow before a warm sun. Or let one’s character be charred a trifle, and scores will wait to see the drift of public opinion, and fall in with the majority. When one finds a friend to stand every test, then he or she has something to prize.
Among those most likely to be true friends we name first our mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers. Sometimes we find these real friends among strangers, and a sacred tie binds heart to heart. The best friendship is always Christlike, and the purest earthly love is enjoyed only by Christians.
The friendship of our Saviour is always unfailing and to be depended upon. We know from experience, it is the only friendship we are absolutely sure of having for the asking, and by asking for it, it is ours for all eternity. Dear one, have you this friendship?