
If you could check the accounts of most families and countries you would find a shocking discovery. Most people are in debt—big debt! Where does it start? With small things. What does the Bible say about debt or owing others?
“Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:8).
The best way to avoid debt and credit is to work hard and plan carefully. We will discuss more of that shortly. We can set money aside for future purposes, and we can have a special fund for emergencies.
What if you already have debt? Then work and get rid of it. This will take discipline and self-denial. Again, you will need to make a plan and then stick to it. You will be amazed at how free and rich you feel when that weight is off your back.
Debt does not only affect you. It affects all around you. If you are unable to pay your debts, you are actually witnessing against Christ instead of for Him. You are also being a burden to someone else, maybe causing them some hurt too. That’s serious!
Many poor people are poor because they spend their money as soon as they get it.
So you are convinced that you want to live a life of economy and wise financial planning. When does that start and how? First let me say that this is a very brief overview of the subject. There is much more to learn, and it may be best for you to go to others who do have “financial sense” plus God’s Spirit and ask them specific questions for your situation. The first place to begin is with a plan. That plan can include:
a. How to make the money.
b. Your budget.
c. Gather up the fragments.
There is another principle of finances that is not usually talked about much. It’s the principle of "gathering up the fragments." The words come from a story in the Bible regarding Jesus feeding thousands of people miraculously. But just because there was multiplied food, that didn’t mean that they could waste any that was left. (See John 6:12, 13.) This is really important if you are going to be money wise.
If someone makes $100.00 and uses it all, he or she is further behind than someone who makes $50.00 and has some left. What makes the difference? Planning and priorities.
i. Do not waste ANYTHING! We live in a throw-away society. There may be a time to cast away as Ecclesiastes 3 says, but there are times when things can be fixed, changed, or recycled for other purposes. Saving in the little things will give you more money for the bigger things.
ii. Account for the nickels and dimes. If you can be careful in the small purchases, you will have money for the larger ones. There is an old saying, “Take care of the nickels and the dimes, and the dollars will take care of themselves.” We have found it to be true. A good habit is to take a small notebook and write down everything that you spend money on for a week or a month. You may think that you are only spending a little here or a little there, but it’s amazing how the littles add up. If you only spent $1.00 a day on little things that you really didn’t need, that would be $365.00 each year and if you lived to be 80, that would equal to—are you ready? $29,200. That could really buy something, couldn’t it?
Once you have added up all your littles, look over the list and see if there are things that you really didn’t need to buy. Multiply that amount by years and think about whether you want to change what you spend your money on.
iii. Do not give to those who do not need. What? That sounds selfish. But it’s not. To give to someone who does not need or would only misuse it would be wasting God’s money and yours. Be wise. If someone is hungry or naked or in need of shelter, it would be good to help him or her. You can save up a percentage just for helping others.
Finally, we need to remember the priority of our life. It is not to get rich!
“Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right” (Proverbs 16:8).
Our most important priority is to gain the riches of eternal life. You will find that if you keep this in your mind as your motive and your direction, money will be a tool to help. This attitude will take away the stress of trying to be rich in this world and give you wonderful blessings as you help others. Do what it takes to manage your two cents right and you will gain eternal riches that cannot be counted.