
What is really important in life?
So often we are afraid of the future. We lack confidence that God is going to be with us. We fear that He will abandon us along the way. We doubt that He really has interest in our aims and desires in life. We worry and fail to trust Him.
Such perplexity comes from the enemy of our souls. He wants to leave us in a state of confusion.
But in coming to Jesus, we realize that “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Even if we make mistakes—and bad ones at that—Jesus is willing to be our defense lawyer. He gives us wonderful opportunities to expand our horizons and His Word provides wonderful secrets to happiness.
The God of Heaven gives us hope and a bright future—even provision for life after death. The path may be narrow and we may need to stand completely alone at times without any earthly friend at our side, but as we look to Jesus by faith, we can be strong. The “sound mind” that God gives is of great benefit in today’s world.
“With us who look for Christ's coming should be the resolve that we will not live this life constantly on the losing side of the question but in understanding in spiritual attainments. Be men of God, on the gaining side.
“Knowledge is within the reach of all who desire it. God designs that the mind shall become strong, thinking deeper, fuller, clearer. Walk with God as did Enoch; make God your Counselor and you cannot but make improvement. . . .
“Let there be a strong taking hold upon God, a putting away of frivolity, amusement, and all uncleanness. Overcome all defects of character. . . .
“God beckons to you from His throne in heaven, presenting to you a crown of immortal glory, and bids you to fight the good fight of faith and run the race with patience. Trust in God every moment. He is faithful that leadeth forward.”—Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1, p. 105.