
Come and see where Jesus dwelleth,
And the love that love excelleth;
Peace to calm earth’s troubled waters,
O, ye weary sons and daughters,
Come and see!
Come and see the strength to bear you
Through the toils that else would wear you;
Pity for those sorrows hidden,
Help to do the “all things” bidden,
Come and see.
Wisdom that mistaketh never,
Fellowship death cannot sever;
Patience whence your soul may gather
Come and see.
Come and see compassion written
On a heart for others smitten;
Visage marred, but now resplendent,
Far beyond all earth transcendent.
Come and see.
Come and see a Friend that clingeth
Closer when the stormy-cry ringeth;
Listen to the voice so cheering,
Of a better time that’s nearing.
Come and see.
Come and see the promise graven,
Of remaining rest in Heaven:
Peace I leave you, peace bequeath you,
Crosses now, but crowns shall wreathe you.
Come and see.
Come and see, ’tis Christ, none other,
Jesus, Master, Elder Brother,
Who lived, who died, who liveth for us,
And o’er all shall reign victorious.
Come and see!