
You wake up in the morning all excited and ready for school, then suddenly you look in the mirror and see a field of acne across your face. Acne is one of the worst nightmares a young person can have. If you suffer from breakouts, there is something you can do about them. Follow our “Acne Prevention Program.”
Did you know that acne is an epidemic in western countries? It affects 85% of western adolescents, while it does not exist in non-western populations. Fifty percent of the men and women in the U.S., continue having acne into the third decade of life.
A study of 46,000 women who drank cow’s milk found a positive association with acne. So, how does drinking milk cause acne? People who drink milk and consume dairy products from pregnant cows expose themselves to hormones produced by the cow during pregnancy. Humans are not designed to consume these hormones during their adolescent and adult years. Cow’s milk was designed for calves, not for humans—but we have been drinking milk from the wrong species. Calves grow four times faster than human infants.
We already know that teenage acne closely corresponds with hormonal activity. So, when adolescents drink cow’s milk, they are adding an extra load of hormones to what their body already produces. In humans, mothers produce milk until their child is weaned. Looking at it objectively, drinking milk from another species during our post-weaning years, especially milk from pregnant cows, is unnatural.
The Harvard Nurse’s Study found that the intake of milk during adolescence is associated with a history of teenage acne. This association is more marked for skim milk. It may be because there is much more estrogen in skim milk. The Harvard School of Public Health studied 6,000 girls and found a positive link between milk and acne. When they studied boys, they found the same positive association between the intake of skim milk and acne. Other research shows that acne could be a marker for increased risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.
The good news is that eating healthfully to prevent or reverse acne is good for your overall health. Try making some of the healthy home-made nut milks below and the sweet treat! Following the above dietary guidelines also helps one prevent and reverse type II Diabetes, cancer and obesity. So not only is our Acne Prevention Program good for your skin, but also for your blood sugar, for your brain, your waistline and your pocket book. Think of all the money you will be saving when you stop eating junk food and begin eating whole foods. God asks us, “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness” (Isaiah 55:2, ASV).
Our Creator knew what He was doing when He prescribed for us fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and vegetables (Genesis 1:29; 3:18). He gave us the very best diet for beautiful, clear skin, and a strong, healthy body. Won’t you follow His health program daily so you may enjoy vibrant health and true happiness?
1. Eliminate cow’s milk and dairy products from your diet.
2. Drink milk made from plants: soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, millet milk.
3. Feed your skin with fresh fruit and vegetables.
Eat 4 servings of fruit per day
4-5 servings of vegetables, two of these should be leafy greens, one should be a cruciferous vegetable: Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage.
1 serving = 1/2 cup; 1 serving of raw salad = 1 cup.
4. Eat whole grain breads, cereals, beans, and nuts.
5. Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
6. Avoid junk food. These include foods high in sugar, fat and salt—sodas, potato chips, doughnuts, sweets, white-flour products. Eliminate foods with high fructose corn syrup.
7. Eliminate all animal foods from your diet.