European Handball Championship: Should I Walk Away?
A young lady had to make a very difficult decision that involved choosing between two things she really enjoyed doing. Should she play in the European Handball championship in Croatia or should she attend missionary school?
Have You Talked With God Today?
Our first need, as human beings, is to communicate with our family and friends, but do we feel the same need to talk to our heavenly Father? We need to have a constant, intimate communion with God. Discover how you may do this.
Who Are You Worshipping at the Gym?
A young man shares what he discovered while taking a Judo class at the university. He thought he was taking physical education class, but there were spiritualistic aspects that shocked him.
Dangerous Forms of Exercise
Are all types of exercises appropriate for Christians? Martial arts focus on self, encourage use violence for protection and submission to the sensei. Yoga focuses on union with a supreme being, self-realization, emptying one’s mind, and spiritual enlightenment.
Your Redemption Is Near
Hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and shootings are happening in rapid succession. People are afraid! The Bible predicts these signs would happen before the coming of Christ. Learn how you can prepare for His soon return.
Restoring the Shattered Picture
What is your picture of God? Abraham saw the true picture of God when he was about to sacrifice his son. He saw a God who at the depth of his Being is pure, perfect and self-less love!
Climate Change in the Bible
The Bible doesn’t state that climate change will cause the end of the world, but it does describe natural disasters and changes in climate which are signs of the end of the world.
How Can I Take Care of God's Creation?
Signs of the times are everywhere. There’s a brand new feeling in the air. Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky, Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh!