
In the spring of 2017, in my ignorance, I enrolled in a Judo class at my university because I thought it would be nice to learn some type of martial arts while simultaneously getting a good workout. I never would have thought that I was willingly placing myself beyond the protection of God and His angels. The first class did not include any physical aspects, it was just an orientation. However, once the physical classes started, so did the spiritualistic aspects.
The first thing that we were asked to do was to take off our shoes and socks. This did not arouse my suspicion because I figured that was just how the class was structured even though the professor explained that it was a sign of submission to the sensei as well as a form of respect to the dojo (room where judo is practiced). When we had to stand upon the “holy ground” (the mat), we had to bow before we could set foot on the mat, as well as before stepping off it. Similarly, we were to bow at the start of class, before and after we did anything with a partner. This was done in thankfulness to the partner for allowing us to “spar” with them. We had also to bow on our knees at the end of the class.
Was all this a little fishy to me? Yes, but I disregarded it as just a formality. Little did I know that I was one of the Israelites bowing down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image instead of being like Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego. At the end of each class, there was also a time of self-reflection in which we were to analyze the past two hours with our eyes closed. I went about this process throughout the whole semester unknowingly, benumbed to the harsh reality of it all.
Only a few months after the semester had ended did I come to the realization of what I had been participating in for about five months. After watching a video on YouTube titled “The Dragon Revealed,” did I realize with horror the extent of the dangerous class of which I was a part. Now, I look back in astonishment that I was so blind and naive and didn’t realize how dangerous that class was.
One day after my Judo class, as I was walking to my car, a random man noticed I was carrying my gi, the uniform we use in class. He was promoting this MMA (mixed martial arts) club to me. He walked with me all the way to my car telling me how prestigious this club was and how they have professional trainers who have trained some top MMA fighters. Thankfully, at the time, I had no money to enroll in such a club. He gave me a flyer and said that at the end of the semester I would love judo so much that I would want to enroll in the club.
At the end of the semester I wanted to enroll but I didn’t right away and eventually lost interest. I am convinced that Satan had sent that man my way to further ensnare me but, God in His mercy, intervened and prevented me from being engulfed into that lifestyle. I am so thankful to Him for leading me even when I was ignorantly dishonoring Him.