
Hello Youth,
This year is passing quickly. Let us ask ourselves, “What kind of year will 2019 be for me personally? What kind of fruit will I show in my life? What will my influence upon others? Will I bring someone to Christ this year? Paul counsels us, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves?” (2 Corinthians 13:5).
The eyes of the world are upon us. Are we living epistles [letters] of Christ known and read of all men? Do we follow the example of Jesus in self-denial, in meekness, in humility, in forbearance [self-control], in cross-bearing, in devotion? Will the world be compelled to acknowledge us to be the servants of Christ?”—Lift Him Up, p. 15.
We live in a critical time of this world’s history. In 2018, natural disasters have occurred at an increasing rate around the world. Every few weeks, we’ve witnessed either earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods or wildfires in different parts of our globe. In the past few months we’ve seen wildfires burning thousands of acres, in Southern and Northern California. Violence and mass shootings have increased with alarming rates. There were 307 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2018 (USA Today, Nov. 8, 2018).
In the wake of the disasters and violence, individuals are grieving the losses of loved ones and their destroyed property. People are fearful as they ask, “Why are natural disasters happening with such rapidity? Why is violence increasing in our country? What can I do to protect my family?”
Do we have solid answers for them? Yes, we do! Can we give them hope? With God’s help, we can. Are we pointing people to the fast fulfillment of prophecy and the soon coming of our Lord? But most importantly are we reflecting the lovely character of Jesus to them? We can’t do this in our own strength, but if Jesus lives in our heart, our life will show it.
In this issue of the Youth Messenger, you will discover ways to bring hope to a broken world and how to “Choose What’s Best in Life.” As you read an eyewitness account of a nurse who survived the Campfire in Paradise, California, you will get a glimpse of the vision of what you should be doing with your life right now. Also, you’ll discover why God allows pain and how to receive healing. Lastly, find out from an insect how you can share the gospel.
We have not time to lose, dear youth. Let us lift up Jesus. Let us lift Him up in our conversations, in our phone calls, in our text messages and on social media. Let’s lift Him up in our Bible studies, in our songs and prayers. Let all our energy be directed to pointing lost, confused and bewildered people to “the Lamb of God” (John 1:29) and to His soon return!
—Liliane Balbach