
Dear friends, we often hear people say that life will not be any more or any less than whatever it’s pre-destined to be. They figure that whatever dream of a better life or effort for progress they may make is only in vain and will just end in disappointment.
This pessimistic view of Christianity is nothing short of ancient paganism, which has influenced generations and results in atheism. What a tragic waste!
Instead, the Bible teaches that God made humans in a perfect state and created a perfect environment for our perpetual growth. At the same time, He did not restrict us to robotic obedience but rather gave us the freedom to choose. In this sense, we plan our own lives, we build our own characters, and are architects of our own destiny.
Please, pause to listen to God’s voice. Allow Him to speak to you through His Word. Prayerfully read the articles in this magazine to see for yourself what essence you are made of, what you are controlled by, and whether your conscience is right with God.
If you decide to escape the mad rush that envelops society today, hearing the Lord quietly pointing you in a better direction, be brave to adjust your steps to follow His path. Then you’ll surely come out ahead—way ahead!