True Education: a Science
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). This surely describes today’s society—including much of Christendom, does it not? Sophisticated educational institutions and online courses plentifully abound in the information age with its vast technological advancements. Knowledge is certainly increasing. Yet despite the positive developments in various realms, how rare in this generation is the jewel of vital godliness—the priceless gem of a Christlike character!
Here we are at the end of another year. Opportunities have come and gone, the Holy Spirit has continued to strive with each one of us. Have we responded to His wooing by a determined growth of grace in personal knowledge of Jesus Christ?
Now is our chance to carefully examine what kind of education we are daily seeking. What is its emphasis? Learning will continue throughout eternity, so we are called to educate ourselves, our children, and our neighbors in heavenly lines to prepare for the kingdom of God. We need to know Jesus as we never have before—and surrender all to Him, reflecting His lovely character to meet Him in peace at His soon coming.
So, let us prayerfully consider these timely readings with open minds and teachable hearts, sharing them also with others who may be isolated or homebound, and keeping in mind the following dates:
Prayer with fasting: Sabbath, December 12
Offering for missions: Sunday, December 13
It is our prayer that the Lord may energize our faith by reforming and refining our concept of genuine Christian education, that we might echo the sentiments of the psalmist, “Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness” (Psalm 143:10).
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