On March 25-27, a Spiritual Conference dealing with the theme, "Darkness Enlightened by Prophecy” was hosted by the Milan Church in Italy. The conference was based on the linked prophecies of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.
Twin prophecies
With a large number of brethren attending from the various churches of the Italian Field plus the welcome presence of the brethren of the Swiss and French Fields, Brother Arcadi Mangul from the Media Department of the Moldavian Union delivered a lively and thrilling presentation, clarifying and identifying the 4 great empires that appeared on the stage of ancient history (Babylon, Medo-Persia, the Greek-Macedon Empire of Alexander the Great, and the Roman Empire). He then spoke about the power represented by the little horn which was born soon after the ten barbaric kingdoms had risen following the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
The perfect synchrony and harmony between the two prophecies written centuries apart, and the astounding agreement of their symbols and historical events and dates, reveal who hides behind the mask—a power that is both religious and political, born of the dead body of the Roman Empire, and who has combined the doctrines, rituals, and characteristics of the four great empires of the ancient times.
Threats and perils of our times
This mingling of untruths with the Truth occurs all around, undercover and in disguise. A thorough understanding of these prophecies is important, not only for history's sake, but also because they help us know the Truth by which we can measure all else.
God bless us all, and continue blessing the work in Italy.
Dario Lauri
(Turin Church)