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May 5, 2015
Giving a boost for some of the Lord's workforce in Europe

A workers' seminar was held in Hungary from March 9 to 13, 2015.

The participating workers came from Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Germany.


GC Music Department
May 5, 2015
United States
Invitation to participate in a special orchestra, choir, or special music item, please read further.


The Spiritual Meetings of the 22nd Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference Session are scheduled for September 10–13, 2015, in Salem, Virginia, USA. The theme of the meetings is “Christ Is All, and in All.”


As always, everyone gets the chance to sing with the congregation. That is a privilege and joy. If you would like to apply to participate in a special music item, go to and click on “Groups” for more information.


May 5, 2015
A workers' seminar was held in Kigali, Rwanda from January 14-18, 2015, with workers from the Rwanda Union Mission as well as from Burundi and some from the Kivu fields in Congo.

Workers and Visitors


Workers' Meeting


GC News Channel
April 23, 2015
Nurturing the next generation in missionary service


On the same property where the Missionary School is located in the Phillippines, there is also an elementary school with approximately 90 students. They are currently operating Grades K-5, and have just received approval to teach grade 6. A new classrom is being built to accommodate the needs.


Elementary school building

GC News Channel
April 23, 2015
The right arm opens the door to hearts in the Quezon province of the Philippines.

Attendees in the Meetings

On March 23 to 28, 2015, a series of evangelistic meetings were held near the new property of the Philippine Union headquarters, and on the current property of the Missionary School in the city of Cabatang, Tiaong, Quezon. This was the very first time an actual outreach was held in that area.

