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February 18, 2014
Spiritual and practical messages recently brought a great blessing to new souls.



During the month of December 2013, the brethren of the South Kenya Mission held a two-week series of evangelistic meetings with the theme “Christ Our Righteousness.” Lectures about education, family, and health were also held during this outreach program.

As a result of this event, 21 souls accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour, and a new church was planted.

Now plans are being made to build the chapel facilities to accommodate the new congregation.


Uganda Mission
February 18, 2014
Our brethren in Uganda recently enjoyed a special time of fellowship.


The Uganda Mission held a camp meeting on December 8-15, 2013, in Bukhotzo.
Brethren and visitors coming from various places were blessed with the spiritual food sent by the Lord through His messengers.


Communion service was held for the church members and a baby was dedicated to the Lord at the camp meeting.


Baby dedication


February 7, 2014
On January 16, 2014, the Kenya Missionary School held a graduation ceremony for 60 students from Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, and Tanzania.

These students have successfully concluded their studies and they received their graduation certificates at that time.


The graduation ceremony was conducted by the outgoing Director, Brother Jorai Cruz.



The school facilities will now be renovated in order to receive students for the next term that will start once the renovation is finished.


January 28, 2014
South Africa
Introducing new missionary work currently being done in Lesotho by the South African Field Conference (SAFC). Lesotho is a landlocked country completely surrounded by South Africa.


1. Introduction

Gerson Robles
September 25, 2013
"Here Am I; Send Me."


The West Australian Field Conference was held from September 19-22, 2013. Entitled, "Here Am I, Send Me," the convention's theme was evangelism, both in one's personal experience and as a church team.


The Reluctant Missionary

We opened the conference with a meeting entitled, "The Reluctant Missionary.” There are a few reluctant missionaries found in the scriptures, but the one we looked at and that everyone remembers—and perhaps remembered for the wrong reasons—is Jonah, the prophet that was swallowed by a big fish.

